Israels right to exist by Annie Hamilton

The Right to Exist
Annie Hamilton
The right to exist, occupying the area are not mere opinions but facts deeply entrenched in historic relevance. 
Israel existed right up until the time of the Roman Empire. When the Romans conquered the land, Jews were permitted to live there.

There are two periods where they were effectively forced from their property, the first time in 70 A.D. and the other sometime around 135 A.D.

There’s always been a Jewish presence in Israel and for hundreds of years; the Middle East was easily the most peaceful part of the World.

Unfortunately, too many have forgotten that Rahm Emanuel arranged meetings between Yitzhak Rabin and Yasir Arafat back during the early nineties and Jewish leaders expressed the ‘desire’ to create a Palestinian government to remove the rapidly expanding Palestinian population away from Israeli hands.

The pressing concern of ‘the day’ was Israel’s inevitable destruction and as such the situation must be handled immediately to manage any potential hostile presence in the region.
This seemed agreeable to Israel although it’s certainly not been smooth or terribly successful by many standards (A peace agreement included both sides of the Gaza as well as the United States of America)

Israel has remained steadfast in reliability with America struggling to define and contain threats, global and domestic pertaining to hostile enemies from within the Palestinian and other Islam-based territories.

We have a Muslim President who manipulated his way into office and has appointed several fellow Muslims, radical Marxists, Socialists or unseemly anti-American characters that have effectively dismantled our founding papers since 2008.

This Administration lies to the American people and ridicules our allies while bowing to Islamist leaders, something never done in the history of America, turning the United States Presidency into a mockery, something to be laughed at, no longer respected. Yet, all things considered, Israel must be reckoned with, a formidable force. Although Congress endeavors to regain control of the House of Representatives, much of the damage has been done and it may be awhile before a reversal of destruction is seen by the people of the United States. We must solidly stand behind our true initiatives for many reasons, whether or not we see immediate change.
Why should the US support Israel? I can give you two solid reasons.

Israel commands the strongest military presence in the Middle East and America would be wise to continue considering Israel a strong ally and perhaps working a little harder on that relationship.
If the powers in Washington had testicular fortitude perhaps they’d use their resources to neutralize Iran’s capacity to maintain nuclear weapons.

Israel is fundamentally part of the United States’ fabric, part of who we are as a people.
Our founding draws on the uniquely Hebrew concept of the holiness of the individual and love for the vulnerable. We’re connected for this and other reasons and our destinies and welfare will always be connected, never to be separated.
In many ways, the sacredness of both lands reflect upon one another and mus

t not be banished from political exercise, religion, public life or any other action.
Liberals and their universalism demands that Israel make concessions to appease Arabs but this rarely appeases anyone and the truth is that there is plenty of room for Arabs in other areas and Israel must be left alone at this point.

This Administration’s betrayal of Israel is both shocking and disheartening and exposes the range of evil and/naïve thinking in the people in today’s government AND media who seem to not understand (or care) what is truly at stake right now.

Israel is a fundamental part of who we are as a people, we must stand with her, united and strong, demanding that our Government do the same. Our relationship with Israel must be preserved at all costs, lest we destroy ourselves.

Why doesn't anyone find it odd that the preponderance of the world faults Israel for being "Apartheid" when there is overwhelming proof that Arab nations would rather not have residents or citizens who are Muslim? The first thing that the PA would do in Samaria and Judea is purge the Jews. Israel has NEVER attempted to purge its Muslim population.