Video: Movie Trailer for Whitney Houston’s Final Movie ‘Sparkle’

Here’s your first glimpse of Whitney Houston‘s final on-screen performance in the trailer for the film “Sparkle.

Here’s your first glimpse of Whitney Houston‘s final on-screen performance in the trailer for the film “Sparkle.”

The movie is a remake of the 1976 original, with Houston starring as the mother of three girls who form a singing group and struggle with fame and drug addiction.

Debra Martin Chase, who is a producer of the film, said she had mixed emotions with the trailer’s release.

“On the one hand, I’m so excited about the movie and we’re really happy with how it turned out,” she said in a phone interview Monday. “(But) just to have it said yet again that this is Whitney’s last performance, it’s hard. It’s hard.”



Houston is listed as the executive producer of the movie, which had already finished filming in Detroit when the superstar died on February 11th.

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