Dr. Temple Grandin has become one of the world's foremost autism experts, publishing books and giving lectures to thousands of people eager to understand autism from someone who is herself on the autism spectrum. In this speech to the AMP Center, Dr. Grandin discusses the important of early intervention, explains the signs of sensory overload and gives advice to parents and educators.
First interesting video as always, to me sensory issues are the key, and I have found getting down on my child's level, trying to understand through there eyes and giving them an environment that suits them not necessary me.. for me this has been easier with my children as I am also on the autism spectrum myself. The sensory issues are so important because we often sense things like parents frustrations and moods which can really affect the asd child, which means stress levels can overload and lead to anxiety, what happens next, as parents we can unintentional create stress and then to relieve the stress we sometimes put our children onto drugs often to help them suit our environment, as an adult its has been suggested to me to medicate, I choose not to and thank god no one medicated me as a child, think twice because if you do medicate your child, they may not have a choice as an adult. Of course I am well aware some children, adult need to take medication and if your child is always get advise before any change. Alyson Bradley - Aspergers Parallel Planet