Alex Morgan is amazing, extraordinary, brilliant and wonderful. And she’s pretty good at playing soccer, if you’re into that sort of thing. She’s already done more for her country than we could ever ask from a single person just by virtue of being who she is, but that doesn't mean she's done.
In an effort to singlehandedly boost the struggling print news business, Morgan has decided to pose in Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit issue. Or, more specially – the bodypaint feature of Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit issue.
Here is a taste of what it'll look like:
(via SI Hot Clicks)
Because we strive for fairness and equality on Opposing Views, we'll never objectify women with sleazy photos without doing the same to men. So, for the ladies – here is David Beckham embarrassing his family while prancing around in his underwear and topless Matt Light.
Happy Friday.
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