Mila Kunis says Black Swan weight loss changed her body

Mila Kunis has always been petite, but after her weight loss for the movie Black Sawn she’s been missing one thing – her bum! The 28-year-old actress put her body through intense weight loss for her role as a ballet dancer, losing an insane 20 pounds for the part. Now that she’s is back to her pre-Black Swan weight, Mila has revealed that her body shape has changed entirely, and that she’s not happy about loosing some of her favourite curves.
Mila Kunis says Black Swan weight loss changed her body
“My shape is different,” the stunning actress tells Harper’s Bazaar. “When I got down to 95 pounds, I was muscles, like a little brick house, but skin and bones. When I gained it back, it went to completely different areas. I’d be happy if my ass got bigger. All the weight that left my chest went to my side hip, my stomach.” It certainly makes a nice change to hear a celebrity say that they want a bigger bottom.

As well as opening up about her changing body shape, Mila also admitted that while she’s staying away from the Botox needle for now, she wouldn’t rule out having a little surgical help when she gets older.

“I will not put a needle in my body unless I have a medical reason. But ask me in ten years. Right now, I’m like, “I’m going to embrace it,” but … I’m probably going to want to have something done. I have no doubt.”

In ten years we can’t help but feel that Mila will look just as gorgeous as she does now being totally Botox-free.