Video: Toddlers & Tiaras Features Little Girls with Fake Breasts, Sick or Sweet?

TLC recently premiered an all-new episode of their adorable, but disturbing show 'Toddlers & Tiaras.' Check out the controversial costume of one little girl, Maddy Jackson, in this video (below). Pedophiles around the world probably set their DVRs to record the latest episode of 'Toddlers & Tiaras' on TLC.

The adorable little girls, who are already dressed like tiny women, take a step farther as contestant Maddy Jackson, 4, straps on fake boobs and a fake booty as her outfit of choice as Dolly Parton.

Maddy and her mother Jennifer recently appeared on the 'Today Show' to defend the outrageous costumes.

Check it out here:

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