Video: Madonna-Inspired Diet Coke Bottle

Diet Coke has unveiled a new line of bottles, one of which draws inspiration from Madonna‘s infamous cone bra.

French designer John Paul Gaultier, the man who created Madge’s iconic 1990 outfit, was recently appointed the creative director of Diet Coke.

His first order of business was to create the new bottles, showing off not only the Queen of Pop’s signature look, but his own: white and blue stripes.

The cream-colored Madonna bottle, which has no official tie to the singer, is painted with a fishnet corset and, of course, cone bra.



Coke has long been a partner to fashion, having worked with Karl Lagerfeld and Dolce and Gabbana in the past, but now the cola brand is taking it a step further, mixing music history and style into one campaign.

Does a cone bra make you thirsty?

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