Sugar Explains Why 40-Year-Old Mother Wendy Powell Looks 20

This mother of two doesn’t mind being called a liar. Wendy Powell (Pictured Below) says she’s the target of that epithet every time she tells someone her actual age.

“When I bump into people who I haven’t seen for a long time it’s not unusual for them to say, ‘wow, you look better than you did 20 years ago,’ which is wonderful,” says Powell.

The 40-year-old Powell, according to the Daily Mail, credits abstaining from all sugar and refined carbohydrates for her youthful glow. She’s a personal trainer in her home town of Truro, Cornwall, UK who runs the fitness company, the MuTu System. Not only has eliminating sugar helped Powell stay fit and healthy, it has restored her skin better than any so-called miracle cream on the market. The results are truly shocking. Despite her age and maternity, Powell doesn’t look a day older than 25.

Powell has been preaching the virtues of eliminating sugar to her personal training clients for years, but now her claims have the backing of legitimate scientific research. Researchers at Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands discovered a strong correlation between blood glucose level and how old he or she appears. Unsurprisingly, a high level of sugar in the bloodstream correlated with an older appearance.

“We took into account other factors such as whether or not that person smoked and yet still the effects were clear – the higher the blood glucose, the older the person looked,” said a senior scientist who helped conduct a related trial at Unilever in the UK. “Those who looked the oldest of all were the diabetics in the group. Because of their condition, they will have had the high levels of glucose for a long period of time.”

If your diet includes too much sugar, there is still hope. Wendy acknowledges that she didn’t always eat as healthy as she does now.

“The more I learned about fitness, the more I realized that my diet, which was based, I’m ashamed to say, on sugary soft drinks, beer and curries, was not good," says Powell. "I wasn’t overweight — to be honest I never weigh myself — but I suffered from very dry, sensitive skin. I looked pasty and not great for my age. I wanted to feel fitter and more energetic and decided to focus on cutting down on sugar, as it has no nutritional value.

"I cut out the obvious sugary items and then started checking foods for added sugar. I was surprised how many have it: even savory foods like crisps and cheese spread. Rather than drinking beer, which is high in sugar, I switched to the odd glass of red wine. Almost instantly, my skin looked better, it was less dry and within a few days looked clear and, yes, younger.”

Cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Aamer Khan confirms that eliminating sugar can produce almost instantaneous results. “The skin may seem less dry within days,” says Dr. Khan.

Wendy says she initially cut sugar from her diet, not because she wanted to look younger, but because she was studying to become a personal trainer

This has been well-known since the work of Linus Pauling.