Khloe Kardashian Had Miscarriage In February

It is being reported that Khloe Kardashian suffered a miscarriage earlier this year.

Khloe and her husband Lamar Odom have been trying to get pregnant since their marriage in 2009.

The youngest Kardashian sister has tried many options include in vitro fertilization, vitamin B12 injections and acupuncture, all to achieve pregnancy.

Apparently Khloe came very close, that is until she miscarried in February causing her to be emotionally distraught.

According to a source, Khloe is “She’s trying to put on a brave face, but it’s so hard. She would do anything to have Lamar‘s baby, even if it means getting stuck with needles.”

“She’s scared that if she doesn’t give Lamar a baby, then he’ll leave her,” the insider reveals.

Khloe is keeping a positive attitude though and believes that when the time is right it will happen for them.

“Lamar and I definitely want kids, and when it happens for us, it’ll happen,” says Khloe herself.

The couple continues to stay strong and together and for that you have to applaud them!

Good luck Khloe and Lamar!

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