Is There a God?

The existence - or lack of - a God is one of humanity's fundamental questions. Since the first birth, the first sunrise, the first death, humans have sought to explain the world around them. The whole of human existence, in the end, comes down to this: Is there a God?

THE Most confusing question ever? U know when u tell a communist I believe in god , the first question he asks u where is he , or I want to see him to believe .now folks thats what everybody wants right. Not me sometimes I know its hard to deny all these scientific facts evolution theory stuff like that . But somethings that have happened to me have made me like the number 1 believer in god now 90% of the people haven't had luck (including me lol) everyday problems come out from no where , no money , no peacfull marriage ,no good job , people dying everyday ,natural disasters etc.. And all that makes a person to start having doubt . But people let me tell u something most of u people having that problem, I bet my life they don't even think about god what I mean is they don't believe in him as they should ur path isn't already fixed its what choices u make that make ur path and god is the one who gives u the choices all u have to do is to pick . Example u see a kid drowning u can choose to help him or not if u help him god rewards u if u don't trust me that kid will be saved in a way unless ofcourse its his time . Now u want to believe in god go and visit nigeria and moroco look very well for people who do black magic trust me there are many there but u people don't know about it , when u go and meet one of them I swr he will show u stuff that ur mind can't handle but, using demonic ways he will tell u choose anything u want money power etc.. But it will require a sacrifice of u like ur mon head lol and trust me people it will happen cuz I live in nigeria and I've seen this shit . There for if there is a demon there is his hollines his almighty god now lets me tell u. A little about me my family and I I've seen really bad days and i mean really bad days but it never reach the limit cuz god always provides a door out . When a rich guy looses his money its the fault of god hell no it ur fault for not handeling it well . People what I'm trying to say is everybody has his own choice. But the most important thing is to stop thinking who's wright and who's wrong start thinkin hey I wanna make tyhe worl better I wanna help people I wanna stop cheating my wife. Lol but sooner or later this world is coming to an end and when u face god wow I can't imagine what u Are going to tell him .

Basically, no one KNOWS if there IS a god or NOT !

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i wonder about that too its some things that cant be explained some say it started from a big bang if thats true how did we get here i mean on this planet the only one of its kind if the earth was in a different spot we would either freeze to death or burn up how is it that we are in the perfect spot its so many other things i want to say look around you the air we breath the water we drink the way your brain works this all had to come from somewhere where did it come from there had to be some thought to all of it i know it a higher power ive read a lot of stuff a lot of people blame god but they say the dont believe in god yes they do only in a bad way from what ive heard his only son was murdered they messed that dude up real bad if god didnt stop his only son from being killed what do u think he is going to do for us


try to disprove that.


try to disprove that.

why does a God exist?
that is a much better question.

To allow a few people to control to control many !!!


If by the word God one means the first creative force of all or any universes then..vary likely yes.

Creative forces are everywhere and quite observable, such as life organizing itself, gravity doing its thing or light predictably acting. One may take such things or events for granted as "normal" but why would the clockwork order of chemistry, etc be a natural byproduct of chaos?

Why do particles of stuff keep doing what their doing if not for some type of memory print? I believe all particles have a history and act upon the present due to an encoded or created past in them. DNA is a even better example of some sort of directed memory data manifesting in the present with knowledge/attributes to help it keep manifesting further..right?

Perhaps God is not necessarily all knowing or powerful and micro-managing.. maybe God was/is just the first drive or awareness opposed to pure nothingness. Other words because something-ness observably exist one could conclude absolute nothingness might only exist as an engine or potential to be filled by creation perpetuating itself.

The moment something views/acts upon nothing the nothingness is then observed/defined and the continuation of "acting forces" keep making stuff from nothing or infinity happening. Mater meets antimatter/nothingness then "creates" more energy. Matter "meets" because it has an inherent "will to be/do stuff".

Two objects seem not to occupy the same space otherwise they become a new combined object and perhaps thats the only reason we realize differences in this universe at all. Also the mind creates novel new ideas and since "ideas" can be remembered and transfered they too likely hold mass and dimension. If the human mind that supposedly came from pure chaos can "create" new matter/acting force in this universe, then why not something way before us like God?

If something or someone creates something new it should still be influenced by the things around it and before it.. hence we are likely the products of earlier creators and those creators perhaps by a single God point creator.

This supposed God point should only be able to define by mirroring itself because thats all at one point their was..THE WILL TO BE! Once God made a second in God's image this "directed action" necessity created a spherical light or the simplest 2-D form of contrast imaginable then. This other reflected object may have created a duplex refection similar to holding two mirrors facing each other with a light between each of them or infinity reaction.

This "action" could produce infinities in a ever growing loop. Infinity needs a static point to first start a loop, then an ever expanding loop sequence to give us the appearance of time moving. This also hints that both fate and free-will may coexist together as a paradox. Other words.. the loop of fate is set, but many of our movements within this loop___ or lack thereof, would be our choice.

It seems reasonable this "second created object" by default made distance/time possible because now their was another object to see, etc. This second God object was exactly like the first (except it reflected back to God) and could make its own second object and so on to infinity. This geometric explosion of creation/viewpoints in space is what many people often refer to as the big bang theory.

Note: For God to make another in Gods image God must have had to exist as first a will devoid of all wavelength,energy,mass only possessing the will to be.. then, upon considering the "not to be" side of things knew God's self existed as a self or thing. The consideration alone started a chain reaction to be more things until it considered other things should exist also and made others. The others only way to communicate with each other was to agree on some basic construct rules, such as the concepts of up/down, right/left, forward/backward, give/take, correct/incorrect, light/dark, etc.

Without basic construct rules chaos would divide the entities such that no logical order could exist for long. It is because we have such consistent observable universal order that it seems most likely their was and is "intelligent wills" at work agreeing and communicating here and perhaps even in other parallel dimensional agreements going on elsewhere too.

As objects had more variables they/early creators concluded many new conditions and games. This God point cannot be perceptibly located by time because it did not directly create time and many of the elements we currently use to calculate time have arbitrary orders assigned to them mainly because of this.

The one true God (I reason) only created the totality of God's self into another by "the will to be". This other/self by accident of being projected as an object by God.. made time, space or distance between objects, beginnings of geometry and second dimensional reality, etc. To clarify I reason God never intended the creation of time it just happened as a result of this pure division intention to be. This I also believe was the genesis of a subconscious mind/or reaction chance universe potentials.. chaos.

This extra bit that God or others never intend but happen anyway is the freewill chaos element in harmony with the intended fated creation element. Without some element of freewill/randomization no true purpose could exist. Without "potential nothingness" creation would own all and fate would be the only conclusion. If we do not possess any freewill then this puppet loving architect was/is a failure and can be replaced! No trap can be perfect (except absolute nothingness) and even if we're put on some evil fate type loop we can still reason/think/create/produce with new mental energy... and giving virtually forever to solve it one could!

Without some choice or chaos nothing would be true or ideal or actual accomplishment.. right? It would be a universe of pure force and we would all be puppets who somehow figured out what puppets shouldn't know to begin with.. does that seem right!

If God exist and that seem vary probable to me, then God would want the same for us as God's self..right? By my reasoning God must because God could only make an exact copy of God's self anyhow. Everything else is a temporary game or effect of others games. Like the silly idea common in this universe than only "rare" and hard to find things are good. Ever wonder why we value things like diamonds? What if they were as common as sand? What if all scarcity was eliminated? Would love be less valued if it was super abundant???

Why would anything like happiness or love have to be less valuable just because one had plenty? I personally think we could enjoy a more abundant life and somehow one day we'll find the guts to give it a try.. why not it's an even larger challenge right;)

As one progresses towards higher controlled creation one makes ones "life/s" better by shear responsibility of ones causes vs others effects, ya know the things you can change vs shouldn't try. One need not strive for 100% perfection because then no more cause will happen when reached.

Too little control/proper responsibility= pain and suffering. Too much control or perfection= lack of purpose/suffering. Vary good but not perfect control/creation= true heaven and what I believe Gods single best creation is/was.

Timeless infinity for all creative creatures to partake in endless games, to experience our Heavens, Hells, indifference, love, spicy tacos or a cold beer.. heck anything you wish maybe even the crazy idea God could exist after all;)

If Adam and Eve were both white, and evolution does not exist, how do you explain black people?

HalfJesus, this is definitely a question rooted solely in white supremacist thought and conjecture. this question could also be reversed. if adam and eve were black how do you explain white people? also, you speak as if the only humans on earth are of african decent or european decent. what if adam and eve were japanese? the problem with christianity is and always was and will be as long as the religion thrives, is the inequality at its very core. originally the religion was strictly for jews, then the romans adopted it and spread it through out the world. now america has adopted it and decided it was meant exclusively for them(white americans). so as you can see that question is simply conjecture used to manipulate those who can't think objectively. please educate yourself and stop using white supremacy as a basis for your viewpoint. you must understand that white privilege is a learned state, it is not an innate quality.

Let's pretend God doesn't exist. Then there would be no heaven or hell, so atheists would cease to exist after death, just like religious people.
That's the problem that I have with the atheist view: There's no reward for being right. If the atheists are right, and everyone just disappears after they die no matter how they lived or what they believed, then what is the point of being an atheist? Sure they were right, but so what? They're gone, just like everyone else.
So why not bet on God? Maybe he really does exist. In fact, maybe he loves you.
My question for the atheist is: What if you're wrong?

been thinking, again this is an american question steeped in conjecture. you think this way because we live in a win or lose society. so, there is no win for me if the atheist is correct, but atheists lose if i am correct. see my point? yes, we love that as americans!(lol) simply an american phenomenon. this is always the stance of the christian zealot, "what if you are wrong". very good point for a debate because there is no answer, so i win.(lol)the only correct answer to your question is, you would have to live with the consequence of your choice. maybe you should try it the other way. what if you are wrong, and the muslim is right, or the jehovah witness, or the hindu? does that make sense? you have to remember something a professor told me in seminary. he asked us in class, "how many of you have seen god or jesus raise your hand"? of course 1 class clown raised his hand.(lol) the point i am making is, you cannot be dogmatic about any religion because you have never seen nor physically spoken to god. it is simply a belief based in faith. hope this helped with out sounding hateful or arrogant. and my intent is not to belittle you because of your viewpoint.

You're using Pascal's Wager, an argument that says that people should "believe" in God just in case he really exists. There's apparently nothing to lose and everything to gain. The problem with this is, the Christian "god" is not the only god that you could believe in. There are many gods which you could believe in, norse gods, the greek gods, the ancient egyptian gods etc. It is not a matter of "god either exists or does not", as there are many gods, all as equally [un]believable as the next.

Also, "betting" on God may not be compatible with the stance of many religions that requires true belief in that particular god/gods, not simply "betting" or pseudo-believing in order to gain access to a potential heaven.

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The answer to this question depends on a person's point of view, just because it lacks physical evidence, that doesn't mean God isn't real. And just because you can keep the faith, that doesn't mean that you should believe what every other religious nut is saying without thinking through it logically. I've read some interesting essay writing before and you can sometimes see that science and religion often times has similarities in a specific point. What I'm trying to say is that there are still a lot of things we can't explain through science or simple logic, and for me it is what makes life a little more interesting, and whatever your side in this, I can and will respect it as long as everybody tries to maintain an open mind.

I have once haad a bullying issue, not a real obvious one, more of an exclusion issue. I prayed to God every night for weeks, I went to church without complaining, and I became an alter server at my church. You would not believe the miracle that God created out of this. My life is amazing now, and I can't describe my thankfulness to Him.

how do you actually believe that some invisible man in the sky created a miracle for your life? its ridiculous. why dont you take credit yourself for making a change and making your life more enjoyable. it wasnt "him". it was you and the people around you. god did not create man, man created god.

has no one heard of EVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!! jesus christ you people are dumb

@ 123321: I have heard of evolution. I have studied the creation/evolution conflict for years, and after much study, I have gone from just calling evolution to the disproved hypothesis of evolution. Take a look at a cell. A simple, human cell. Then look at the DNA inside it. Then look at the extremely complex way in which DNA is duplicated then moved from the nucleus to its designated location in the cell's cytoplasm. If one, only one of the many, many different steps in this process were not true, cells would not be able to work properly, and humans would not be able to live. Think about it, and research this yourself.

Another point against evolution is how mutations work. Mutations are mistakes in the genetic copying process. They effect one nucleotide base at a time and are called point mutations. Once in every 10,000 to 100,000 copies there is a mistake made. Our bodies have a compare – correct process that is very efficient. In fact it is 10 to the 16 times better than the best computer code, but once in every 1,000,000,000 or 10,000,000,000 copies a mutation “gets out” so to speak. That is equal to a professional typist making a mistake in 50,000,000 pages of typescript. You see mutations are predominately bad and the cell tries to make sure they don’t happen.

The Neo-Darwinists made random mutations the engine of evolution. They claim that many very small mutations are the basis of the “goo to you” hypothesis of evolution. For mutations to be the driver of the massive amount of information there must be two things true of those mutations.

1. The mutations must be positive and allow the organism to procreate and pass them on.
2. The mutations must add information to the genome of the organism.

To date no evolutionist has pointed out such a mutation and if they exist they must be exceedingly rare. Also, if a positive mutation did occur, it could not add but a single bit of information to the genome or one nucleotide’s worth.

If mutations are the main base of evolution, it would be absolutely impossible for any amount of time for a creature to evolve into something else.

One more point will I make. The earth's rotation is slowing. It is slowing at a rate of .002 seconds per approximately 150 years. But, if you do the math, that is .4 hours per 100 million years, 4 hours per billion years, and if the earth is 4.5 billion years old, one day back then would be approximately 6 hours, much too fast to sustain any form of life whatsoever.

I hope this has been beneficial.


evolution takes as much "FAITH" as does religion. also evolution is embedded in white supremacist ideology. if you read darwin's theory of evolution you will see the pervasive racial stereo types of white supremacy in his writings. however, you will need to have an open mind if you happen to be a white american as your thought process is ingrained in white supremacy. i am not belittling you, just trying to help people think more objectively and not base belief in poplar thought. truly read Darwin's theories and not what you were taught in high school science or bio 101 in college. in today's society people want things to be either or, maybe its neither. in america there is basically 2 sides, christianity or atheism. we need to open the dialogue for other options.


Posted October 6th, 2011 at 3:57PM
After writing my experience about becoming an Agnostic I have honestly felt very troubled and ashamed
I have become aware that I really am a Christian and that I have offended God after all he sent his son to the cross and died for my past, present and future sins.I feel that God has spoken to me these past days.Sometimes we become despondant and satan tries to take us from Gods Presance.
Any of my future writings will be to encourage people to put their trust in Jesus.


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What do you think of these ideas?

God or the laws of physics what is the main difference? God cares, so the real question is caring just for intelligent brings or is it fundamental to the universe? I think there not an answer yet, have to know a lot more about the fundamental foundations of caring and love, the laws of physics allows for them but does the laws require them?? If yes there is a God of some type if no there is no God. To me God is truth, freedom, love and truth, freedom, love are all about relationships, knowing relationships is truth, choice in relationships is freedom, and caring about relationships is love and why care? To get more freedom, the key is freedom, I see three possibilities: one no freedom we all are amoral robots doing what fate tells us like a movie, two complete freedom we are all like Gods but have mental blocks that stop us from enjoying it, or three limited freedom that the truth allows us we all can do what the laws of physics let us do. I put my bets on number three, I can not disprove number one, but number two has some real problems with it. Freedom implies choices and love, is a random choice a choice? If you let a random event make the choice you did not. So to have the freedom to choose you have to care about choice of relationships you make. To chose good is moral and to chose bad is evil so as long as you have freedom there will be moral and evil people. Questions: what is good and bad? what is caring? Is truth, freedom, love good? Is misrepresentation, slavery, hate bad? and the big question what is freedom??? and choice??? And I know words can mean different things to different people because of freedom. The thinking part of your brain figures out relationships, and relationships are what ideas are made of, If you had an idea that did not come from the relationships you sense you be out of touch with reality. You can say all ideas come from reality which I say is truth, freedom, love which is what I call god. Pass this on if you choose to, please give me credit for the connections I made, thank you.

trust truth, freedom, love
David J. McDonell

hello, David. i read your post and found it interesting but a little all over the place.(lol) i think you left out 2 key component to your position that could drastically change your basic perspective. those being environmental & societal factors in human interaction. what you allude to is conscience. we all have certain innate qualities that keep us from being strictly amoral. such as, most of us find it very hard to hurt another living creature. that is natural for most. there is the rare sociopath & psychopath however who feel no empathy and can maim without remorse. also you have to factor in environment. those who live say in urban areas may show a predilection toward violence, which is quite different from what you & i may think. as well, you must consider society at large where 1 group of individuals may find it a paltry task to harm another group simply because they believe them to be sub par to their own, whereas you and i would find it arduous at best. these factors also influence how we think and believe about god. religion is a very complex series of emotions linked with belief, which is why so many are very passionate about what they believe. trust, truth & freedom are important, but we must factor in society & environment when discussing religion of any form. if you change or remove certain parameters in any society, i believe its religion changes as well. therefore i believe it is far more complex than just 3 words. also, good and evil must exist simultaneously as one does not exist without the other. same goes for love and hate. i know my answers are short but hope this makes sense if not let me know and i will try and clarify my thoughts.

The whole idea of a God does not make sense. The idea that there is some sort of power that controls our destinies is ridiculous; our destinies are driven by the choices we make and the things we do, not because God wants us to do this or God wants us to do that. There is no such thing as miracles, just that people are fortunate. God does not heal patients, health care , technology, and treatments do. Do you honestly think that if you just pray to God if someone has meningitis that they will be cured. Most likely, they will die. A God did not create the universe or the earth. Chemical fusions and other physical sciences did. The whole idea of a God does not make sense to me.

I was brought up in a Christian family and at the age of eight I trusted in Jesus and over the years I believed in God and my life centred round this however in recent times i have come to doubt if there really is a God, when you see and hear of all the terrible things happening around the world it makes you wonder if there is a God? I have given up on prayer as i felt that it was going nowhere I still attend Church but I may as well be at home waching the television on a Sunday. I am not an Athiest yet I would say an Agnostic

blue 1066 i am the same as you. i was raised in a conservative christian home and church, but i always had questions. things taught to me just never quite made sense. if you asked questions you would be punished. if your questions were to thought provoking you were blaspheming. i always found this disheartening but kept trying to believe god was there. i even went to seminary because i was so confused and needed answers. which i would not recommend anyone do. i have not become an atheist nor an agnostic. i am more a deist. i believe there is the possibility of intelligent design, however i reject all organized religions. i think if god exist it is not what we as humans think. if such a creature exist why would he hide from us, when we seek him with such veracity, when at the crux of all religious argument is to seek god? i guess this is the question for the ages and probably will never be answered.

First, I attend synagogue (Conservative) every Shabbos. I believe that there is a sense of humor in a supreme being. That's why we have politicians (MLK,Jr said that). Most of us will have an opportunity to meet the entity at the restaurant at the end of the Universe (sorry, Douglas Adams).

Dream like a Kabbalist. Imagine the upside down try (picture the Baobab, a physical representation). The roots are above us, nurturing the leaves beneath.

Regarding the sightings of Jesus on toast, in candy, on the wall (a water stain), etc. We perceive things we want, and sometimes what we don't. I am certain that there have been Buddhists who have seen images of Buddha in a bowl of rice. We really don't know what the entity looks like. That is why, when I inspect my tires in the morning I see the same image on the exterior walls that I know fills the inside. I also know that when the tire goes flat there is enough in the others to get me where I want to go.

God is as real as Harry Potter

give one item of proof for that statement.

If something can be for ever, It can be the nature and universe!
If everything needs a creator, so an imaginary god needs a creator too!

Where we came from? its obvious, The nature!

Where we are? Here in earth in the form of a human!

where we will be? no matter! we do best we can now, and then no matter where we will be!

I believe we actually are a part of our GOD(the nature), and we will remain a part of it.
so there exist a GOD but not an imaginary one.

Jesus Is Lord and he is my best friend.Jesus Loves You.

Is there a reason to want anything to do with the bastard? I mean, look around, if this monster exists, what the hell do we want to do with the sociopathic autocrat. He belongs in prison .

Most sensible conclusion is that this idea is just an inbred instinct in some people to expect a dictator, and one who dishes or horrid punishment and throws around genocides all the time. I mean, it's pretty straightforward where this horrid idea came from.

.. but the capacity for consciousness, or Mind, is obviously inherent in an arguably infinite variety of molecular configurations. Every living thing on Earth, from the single-celled progenitors in the early history of life to every plant, animal, and person that will ever exist, arises from quantum-level interactions of energy in the patterns we call matter. Same goes for any living thing anywhere in the universe, whatever the quality of its consciousness. The universe, if it isn't self-aware in some kind of Overmind, clearly has the inbuilt capacity to generate life and thought. If there is an Overmind, beyond the bounds of human cultural history, it doesn't make sense that one particular tribal culture in all the world, recording its spiritual stories and efforts to rise out of the limitations of life in a tough world as best it may, can somehow be regarded as The Favorite, owning the whole cosmic truth within the limits of its expressions. Don't all cultures claim favored status, one way or another? Even atheists do it, claiming higher enlightenment by rejecting personifications and spirit-stories of every sort.

We naturally interpret what we see going on in the world and the universe through the lens of human-style mentality, so we tell stories of Earth Mothers and Sky Fathers, Potent Plants and Animal Powers. They're personifications. We use them so we'll have a frame of reference. Not that it isn't divine, awe-inspiring, the source and sustenance of us all. It is. But arguing over which particular personification is more valid than all the others is like saying my dreams are more real than yours, or my reflection in an imperfect mirror is more substantial than yours.

As the great spiritual teachers make clear, the real deal is to refrain from applying worship-energy toward transient things like objects and people, and to treat others as if they have worth and value, just as we want to be regarded as worthy and valuable. All the rest is just politics .

if there was a god maybe it,s not the one were all thinking about. Mabye it is not just a god but many gods and godesses who knows.. mabye on of the earlier religions like greek mythology or paganisms were the ones who were able to actually find proof of their god but there really is no way to tell until the day a celestial figure comes to earth but until that day rember to keep your mind open

I don't think that there is enough information at the moment to prove god 's existence or deny it. Although, i think the chances of some powerful invisible attention seeking deity that makes people only inform them that if they do things that god does not agree with god will put them in a place where they are punished forever is pretty slim, but you never know there could be an invisible all powerful deity out there that created people. Or while im at it, we could all just be dreaming. Or we could have been created by an alien species. Or (this one takes some imagination) we could be like cells inside another species. Etc..
What im trying to say is, that, whatever someone ends up believing is right. Because In the end, people will tell themselves and believe whatever they need to survive.

This one is going to be long.

First off. If there was a god who created everything, how would you..

Prove he exists?

Prove that he DOSEN'T exist.

Prove that he pointed at the ground and said "I want a cat there" and there came a cat.

Prove that he didn't make a couple of bacteria and work his way up from there.

Bad things happen because god made a world of order. It may look like chaos but it is an order. And for order to work some things have to happen every once in a while. If you have a large body pulling in on its self your going to have friction. That friction makes heat which melts rock. This rock makes a molten core which causes convection currents which makes; earth quakes, tsunamis and volcanoes.

Does the occurrence of these things prove or disprove god? It does neither.

Some people live in poverty , some suffer and live in pain and death. Does this mean that there is no god, or that if there is that he doesn't care? The bible says that he gave man free agency. If he were to pop down here and say hello to all of us, and help us out of our miseries what would happen to our agency? If he jumped in and made a murder stop, wouldn't he have just over ridden that murder's agency?

If you wanted to know how people to make certain decisions, would you let them know that your there and watching, or would you keep your presence unknown?

Where in the bible does it say that god condemns people to hell? What I read is that people condemn themselves, by not ever going back to god in the first place. As in "I don't belong there, might as well not try" not go back.

Why is there evil if there is a god? Why is there down if there is an up?

eh, I'll post more latter. Its like 3 am here.

Question: What created the matter and energy necessary to create the universe.
Basic Fact: "Every cell in plants, animals , and human beings has what is called a "complex metabolic motor". This is the ability of the cell to extract energy from its environment in order to supply energy for the reproduction of the cell and other cell needs. For life to exist, you must have this metabolic motor. But this metabolic motor can only be produced by life." (Dr. Ron Carlson) It's the same for DNA. So..if you believe in Spontaneous Generation aren't you going against the basic rule of biology (Biogenesis - life only arises from life. It does not come from nonliving matter) Or is nitrogen, ammonia, salts, and carbon dioxide living matter?

"For life to exist, you must have this metabolic motor. But this metabolic motor can only be produced by life." (Dr. Ron Carlson)"

The 'complex metabolic motor' is the end result of 3.5 billion years worth of evolution .

"It's the same for DNA. So..if you believe in Spontaneous Generation aren't you going against the basic rule of biology (Biogenesis - life only arises from life. It does not come from nonliving matter) Or is nitrogen, ammonia, salts, and carbon dioxide living matter?"

Biology dose say that modern life cannot arise from 'non-life' however the same is not true of the oldest forms of life which did arise from self replicating protens.

Really that kind contradicts don't you think so? Or are we saying we must ASSUME that by chance this happened. Really to believe biology it involves a lot of assumptions.

While we do not know exactly how the process of abiogenisis happened, there have been studies showing that it is possible for self replicating chemical compounds to form naturally.

The line between what you call "life" and "non-life" can be rather blurry at the edges. since all life is made up of chemical compounds which are non living on their own. Further, there is debate about whether certain very simple organisms like retro-virus' can be considered alive.

Further, while we will probably never have enough information to say how life initially occurred "abiogenisis" this cannot ever be an argument against evolutionary theory, since what would be properly called evolution does not even begin until the some sort of life exists.

I'm not sure I see the contradiction..

We are not saying that 'we assume by chance that this happened'.

What is said is that proto-life emerged from non-living matter, which then evolved into the more complicated life.

The initial reaction did occur, because if it did not we would not be here, but the exact probabilities that the reaction would occur in a given period of time are not yet known.

Biology, like any Scientific field is not something you 'believe in'.. it is a series of models that describe observed physical phenomena.

My old girlfriend had Dissociative Identity Disorder – multiple personalizes. One of her alters was created from whatever part of the brain controls dreams. Her name was Shy. She remembers a time before she had consciousness, before she could come out and talk. If Freud had been right – Shy would have been pure superego She hardly ever spoke and used to write anything she wanted to say in a little pink notebook. She had beautiful cursive handwriting, and wrote so slowly that it would drive anyone nuts. She had no malice towards anyone, even her rapists and abusers. She was at peace with her small existence, and understood what would happen when her brain would start functioning better and she would die. One night we were having dinner with some friends. Shy was eating with us. We started talking about God. Finally we asked Shy
“Is there a God”
Shy thought carefully for a moment. The table went silent. Finally, she smiled and carefully wrote her answer and showed us her notebook.
Then she thought for another moment, leaned across the table and whispered her first words in months.
“But there should be.”


"No, I say it 'is true' because the evidence strongly suggests that it is true."

What evidence?

"I find it rather interesting that you would name "Debating Design" then go on to talk about the flagellum.. when one of the essays in Debating Design demonstrates how that flagellum is 'irreducibly complex'."

Whats your point?

"Yes, but also not very accurate. We do not know how variable gravity can be, it may be that there are only a few possible values for gravity to have. Saying that because we exist gravity must have this value is not a reasonable statement.. rather we exist because gravity has that value."

Yes, fantastic so we agree. Gravity is only one of the many examples. And your argument on gravitation is what Collins is saying. Gravity has its exact value, Therefore we exist. Its a measurable parameter.

"I have never been a supporter of the "Rare Earth Hypothesis"

Supporter or not, the evidence is there.

and finally a challenge to you. Tell me what of life's origins? Where and how did life come about?

This appears to be a double post… my reply can be found

too bad for them that they are all false. Have you ever noticed how gods want exactly what thier inventers want?

I believe that I am my own god . I choose where I am going and how I get there, and any bumps in the road is nothing more than random events or just plain old life obstacles. Is there a "god"? UMMMM..Maybe, but not in the sense of a life form as we know it and the way the bible portrays god. Personally, my beliefs follow the scientific path.

However, I do not think it is mine or anyone elses place to say there is or isn't. Its all in what you believe. Whether its the bible or scientific, as long as you have a belief that is all that matters. Hold on to what you believe and dont let anyone sway you unless you want to be swayed. To hell with what society thinks or the government or schools, believe what you want to and dont let go.

I have faith; I have faith in human nature.

This is a no brainer,look around can nothing make nothing?

If people understood what they were reading in the book called, "The Bible", we wouldn't be asking the question "Is there a god "? The Bible says God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Well let's find some truth here. Ever outlines a sentence before? God IS--is what? A Spirit. Now what is a Spirit and why is that word capitolized? The book is putting emphasis on the word "Spirit". Does that say God is a man? No. It says God is a Spirit. What is the definition of the word spirit? It is the thinking, feeling, motivating part of man. Spirits or feelings motivate us to do certain things. Again, the Bible says that "God IS love". God IS--is what? LOVE. Is Love a man or a feeling? In another verse it reads, GOOD IS GOD. Are we pronouncing that word God correctly? Is it really pronounced G-odd or is that word really GOOD? The Bible is a spiritual book. It's soul purpose to is convict man of his or her wrong doing in life. The Bible also says it IS the Book of LIFE. That is exactly what it is. It is about life itself. Why do people want to prove that there is NO GOD? Whether you atheists believe it or not--I bet you all have the Spirit of Love and Good living inside of you too. And I also bet that everyone of you can find your very own life hidden within the pages of that book called, "The Bible". Just keep reading until you see yourself in the mirror. One day you will be able to relate one of the stories to your life.