What Alcohol Does To Our Bodies

The effects of alcohol on the body are well documented. This list is scary, but everything on it is true. It goes from major to minor – although, in truth, there is nothing really minor on the list. Minor would be a hangover that clears up in a few hours.

Effects of Alcohol that mark you as an alcoholic:

Premature aging of skin, hair and other body tissues.
Dilation of nasal capillaries with swelling and porosity (alcoholic’s nose).
Fat deposition in the buttocks along with a general loss of muscle tone – alcoholic “droop.”
Deterioration of the gums and tooth loss.
Chronic inflammation of the stomach
Paranoia, black outs, tremor.

Serious effects of Alcohol on the body:

Psychosis characterized by loss of cognitive function and memory, disorientation – comes with a bonus of eye muscle weakness.
Pancreatitis – may lead to diabetes and even death.
Bleeding ulcers – can also cause death.
Alcoholic amlyopia - the acute form comes from methanol, but a chronic type of vision loss due to nutritional problems with ethanol. Permanent blindness can result.
Polyneuropathy – a numbness in fingers and toes along with an itching/burning sensation on the bottom of the feet. This comes with risks of damage and open sores that are not detected until infected (because of the numbness) – it also adds to the loss of coordination and the ability to handle fine movements.
Anemia and bone marrow problems.

Effects of Alcohol that cause death:

Cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholic hepatitis, or degeneration of the heart muscles resulting in congestive heart failure.
Delirium tremens – hallucinations, seizures, fever, rapid heartbeat – about a 15% mortality rate.


Impressive? It should point out one thing at least – alcohol is a poison. Even those who don’t think they are full-blown alcoholics can get some of the dangerous effects of alcoholism on the body on the list. Even binge drinkers are more likely to develop some of the conditions.  Beware to those in college who think partying their way through four years won’t cause any permanent harm.

This article was originally published on MyAddiction.com.