The View Censors this Pic of Actress Julie Bowen Breastfeeding

Angry Mom: On "Lopez Tonight," Julie Bowen from "Modern Family" showed off a photo of herself breastfeeding her twin boys. She said they wouldn't air the photo on "The View." A spokesman from the station claimed it was inappropriate for the show's daytime slot, saying it had "too much nudity."


Are you kidding me? Don't we see more nudity in a Victoria's Secret commercial?

I just can't understand WHY people have a problem with the sight of a woman breastfeeding. It's the most natural thing in the world. It's not a perverted shot .. it's a picture of her twins EATING, for God's sakes. Why does this freak people out so much?

Many people on the Web are criticizing Bowen, saying she "crossed the line" and should have had more "boundaries."


Women show more cleavage walking down the street than you see in this picture. It's ludicrous to me that she is getting any grief over this at all.

Breastfeeding is not pornographic. If you have a problem with it, get your mind out of the gutter and look the other way!

Don't the producers of "The View" have the right to choose not to air something for whatever reason they deem appropriate? They should be allowed to control their own show. If George Lopez wants to show something, and they don't, more power to both of them for making decisions they presume to be in the best interests of their respective programs.

I think that the issue is the backlash that the actress is receiving because of the picture. Deeper still, is the issue of breastfeeding in public.

The breast is a food source and not a genital.
The penis is a genital and I am all for woman being topless and feeding their children . I do not get all uptight at the sight of women 's breasts, some are prettier than others, but all woman have them.

Those twins, pictured above, are very beautiful. The baby boy and girl for you pigs.

..but we don't need to see it.

It's natural to have a penis if you're a male, but that doesn't mean the kids at the park need to see it from the trenchcoat man.

Justifying it via clothing is stupid. Try something else.

That's like saying "He's wearing pants..just cause you can see he has an erection.psh doesn't mean anything. Kids can see an erection cause that's normal."

People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid. - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

I am completely dumbfounded by the ridiculousness of this comparison. This was hilarious!

The difference between an R rating and PG is a nipple. Do you step out of the shower, put on a bathrobe, and go grocery shopping? Most restaurants won't allow a man without a shirt to patronize the establishment. You may eat with your fingers at home, but at the Waldorf you will be expected to use silverware.

Your lack of comprehension of what's being discussed is directly related to your lack of class. Classy women don't breast feed in public. It's not unnatural. It's not obscene. It's uncouth.

It's really that simple.

..good job and pointing out more.

People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid. - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

Urinating is perfectly natural. Defecating is perfectly natural. Having sex is perfectly natural. Lancing a boil is perfectly natural. Scratching your arse is perfectly natural (assuming it itches).

As a courtesy to those around them, in polite society , people do not make a public spectacle of these things. It's rude to whip out a teat at a formal dinner and plop it into the baby 's mouth.

Welcome to the real world where making a public spectacle of your natural bodily functions is considered to be in bad taste. It isn't up to the rest of the world to indulge your bad manners. If you need to play moo cow, politely excuse yourself and do it in another room. It's a minor and temporary inconvenience to you, and folks will generally view you as being other than born in a barn.

to assume that you are an ignorant, conservative male who has never traveled outside the US and who grew up in the South? I don't have a child , but I could agree that if you are offended by a mother feeding her child while you are trying to stuff your face, you can get up an leave.

Perhaps being raised in a barn, you naturally assume the customs of farm animals should guide your conduct and manners in polite society . I can certainly understand how you would feel customs outside the US, as in third world countries, are more easy for you to identify with than what you find here. I'm sure you would fit right in with a primitive tribe in Africa or South America, so, why don't YOU get up and leave?