Video: Donald Trump Claims Autism is Caused by Vaccines

Donald Trump chose the fifth annual World Autism Awareness Day to reveal on Fox News that he strongly believes that autism is linked to childhood vaccines (video below).

In a Monday interview on Fox News, Trump said: “I’ve seen people where they have a perfectly healthy child, and they go for the vaccinations and a month later the child is no longer healthy. It happened to somebody that worked for me recently. I mean, they had this beautiful child, not a problem in the world, and all of the sudden they go in and they get this monster shot."

"You ever see the size of it? It’s like they’re pumping in — you know, it’s terrible, the amount. And they pump this in to this little body and then all of the sudden the child is different a month later. I strongly believe that’s it.”

However, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found that children who developed autism had less exposure to vaccines that contained mercury.

A 1998 article, published by British medical journal The Lancet, that linked autism to vaccinations was retracted in 2010 after it was discovered that the study’s author, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, had been paid by a lawyer suing vaccine makers.

I'm glad to see Donald Trump stating his opinion on Vaccines linked to Autism. The increase in Autism diagnosis is huge compared to previous generations. However, it is not just Autism, there are a slew of learning differences and other neurological and physical conditions, even Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)all linked to Vaccinations. In the majority of cases, the noted change in the child's abilities or incident of SIDS happens within 21 days of a vaccination and most with in one week.

In fact, though almost all scientific evidence linking vaccines to once rare conditions can be explained away by some error in the testing, no one can explain why the significant increase in these diagnosed conditions, corresponds to the exact time in history, when a series of early childhood vaccinations became common practice and eventually required in most countries.

I also agree, you cannot argue against the overall good of vaccines but 1) we have to make them safer and 2) I personally recommend all parents hold off on vaccines until their child is at least 1 year old. As a parent you have this right, in most states.

On another note, I also highly recommend doing your best to nurse your baby for the first year; this provides the best immunity building nurishment that cannot be duplicated in formula. My children are 23, 21 and 16 and are rarely sick to this day. I was and continue to be a working professional. For the first six months they had expressed milk in bottles during the workdays and nursed in the evenings and weekends..they went to formula during the day at six months but I continued to nurse evenings and weekends until each child was one year old. This was to support my decision not to vaccinate until each child was 1 year old and I knew they needed the immunity I could passed on to them while they nursed. I made it work. Whatever challenges I suffered, paid off in dividends, rarely having to take off for a sick child in the years that followed.

You are spouting completely unsubstantiated *LIES!* The number of lives saved and the number of permanent disabilities prevented by vaccines far outweigh any of the risks. The neurological risks of vaccines are completely unproven. In fact, studies have shown the exact opposite.

Yes.. vaccines stimulate immune responses. In some very rare instances, children do not react well. However, compare that to the damage caused by the diseases these vaccines prevent, and there is NO question that vaccinating children is the RIGHT decision.

The reason your children did not contract a debilitating illness in their first year of life is because most of the people around them had been vaccinated. Nursing your children was an excellent decision, but it does not make your children immune to pertussis or the measles, which used to kill many children under the age of one.

You have the right to take some risks you children, but you cannot advocate those risks for others and call them "good decisions." It is precisely this type of nonsense that puts all children at risk

Even if vaccines caused autism (and there's no actual, peer-reviewed evidence that says they do) it's a worthwhile trade-off when compared to dead children in almost every family.

I have been diagnosed with high-functioning autism. I'm not very verbal and I have endured a much rougher life than if I had not been born with autism. However, I like being alive and I like having two surviving siblings. My eldest brother was not so lucky. He died of an illness for which there was no commonly used vaccine (meningitis) in the late sixties. My family was devastated by the loss of their little boy and my parents never recovered fully, in part because my father is likely a high-functioning autistic himself. I think I can say with a high degree of certainty that they were far more devastated by my brother's death than by my autism. I also have a sister who suffered partial hearing loss believed to be from getting measles before she was old enough to get vaccinated.

I admit I'm a mild case, like the majority of people being diagnosed with autism in the "epidemic." I'll admit that being even a high-functioning autistic person sucks a lot. But I'd rather be autistic and alive and not have to see the majority of families struggling with the death of a child as my family did. I'll bet that the vast majority of autistic people would rather be alive with a full set of healthy, living siblings, too.

If people stop vaccinating, one in eighty-eight surviving children will likely still have autism (unless we are slightly more fragile, in which case more of us would die and make the "epidemic" shrink because we died before diagnosis) and then they'll be autistic and dealing with grief, loss, and a smaller family support structure instead of just dealing with being autistic.

It is amazing to me that anyone would not vaccinate their children. Anyone saying we shouldn't doesn't know their history.

In the early 1970s I came down with german measles (rubella). My mother was pregnant at the time and was not immune, and my exposure to her killed my unborn sibling in the womb. Even if this baby had been born, it would have been profoundly retarded and otherwise disabled. My father is nearly deaf because of nerve damaged caused by the measles which he came down with in the late 30s. Today, rubella and the measles are almost unheard of except in children whose parents refuse to vaccinate.

Polio anyone? How about pertussis? Tetanus? What about the permanent and reoccurring nerve damage caused by chicken pox? How about hepatitis which can kill when you are sick or kill you later by increasing your risk of liver cancer?

As we can see with diseases like small pox, some diseases can be completely eliminated when we have nearly universal vaccination. There is a very good chance that polio will end up next on that list. Until there are no more wild cases of a particular disease, we must continue to vaccinate. This misinformation about vaccines is what has caused deadly outbreaks of several diseases which had previously all but disappeared.

Donald trump is a moron. He is unqualified to say anything about vaccines. His acceptance of the birther controversy shows how willing he is to eat BS from any source he finds reasonable.

It floors me that people have already forgotten this history and we're only talking about the sixties and seventies! My eldest brother died from an illness for which there is now a vaccine. My sister suffered hearing loss from measles.

Just fifty or sixty years ago virtually every family was affected by death or maiming caused by childhood illnesses now preventable with vaccines! If you don't believe it just ask your grandparents how many of their siblings and classmates did not live to adulthood or were maimed by childhood illnesses.

There are a lot of people opposed to vacines. As to the actual truth, who knows. Just like everything else, you can find a study to support anything you want. Donald Trump is not a doctor, who cares what he thinks or says?

My grandson Davin died 4 months after birth from his 3rd series of vaccine. In 1983 the required Injections from birth to 6 years old was 10 shots with 30 Antigens. Now in 2012 from 0-6 years old is 40 shots with up to 140 antigens loaded with harmful chemicals, Aluminum, Mercury, Formaldehyde, Poly Sorbate 80 proven to cause neurological disorders plus injecting RNA/DNA of animals. Will your child’s DNA ever be the same?

Google search ( Toxic Over Load Children Vaccinated To Extreme )

* Fact - Never have they done studies of the cumulative effects of all vaccine ingredients and they keep adding more vaccines to the mix.

Here is another critical point. If the mother and father had all their shots then when the mother got pregnant some of the vaccine genetic materials where passed on to the fetus. So as you can see this newborn childs health was already under attack even before birth. Please educate before you vaccinate.

We need to get the word out to many children are being assaulted, damaged, murdered and big pHarma is getting away with it. Let us STOP this madness.


Really? Polysorbate 80 proven to cause neurological disorders? If you can find a study that shows that, I'd be interested in seeing it. Especially since the average American or European eats 100 mg of it every day, and lab animals in studies where it made up 20% of their food intake showed no significant health effects. I find it hard to believe that the 25 micrograms of it used in vaccines could cause any health issues.

The amount of aluminum you get in your average diet every day is 30-50mg, yet in the first 6 months of life an infant might receive as much as 4 milligrams of aluminum through vaccines: during that same time period the infant will receive 10 milligrams through breast milk alone, and 12 times more than that with formula.
There's been dozens of studies done in the last 20 years on the effects of aluminum in vaccines, and none of them have turned up any evidence of adverse long-term effects.

I won't even go into the fallacies of your statement that vaccines are loaded with "harmful chemicals", that vaccines do or even could make any changes to a child's (or anyone's) DNA, or that vaccinations the parents have received get passed on to the child genetically. You talk about people needing to educate themselves, yet you yourself are putting forth large amounts of misinformation and what appears to be fantasy.

Moms with gut instincts are no substitute for facts and evidence.

If you can produce one single scientific study showing or even suggesting a link between vaccines and autism that hasn't been discredited as a falsification of evidence or a gross misinterpretation of the data, I'd very much like to see it - and so would the rest of the world. The person conducting that study would certainly win the Nobel prize at least once.

Why would anyone accept Trump as an expert on anything other than taking a lot of money and some land and turning it into a bit more money? He certainly has zero education in medicine, biology, or epidemiology, and he's got a long, long history of saying abrasive and crazy stuff to gain attention and try to get the spotlight on himself.

Where does he get this fixation of watching people's children before and after vaccination and diagnosis of autism? And it happened to ONE of his employees? Get this man a stethoscope and a medical degree!

There's far, far more evidence pointing to other causes - such as the discovery that autistic children uniformly have a different strain of bacteria in their digestive tract that is not found in children without autism. It's not a conclusive finding, but it is millions of times more credible than this manufactured link between vaccines and autism that is being spread by the fearful and ignorant.

THanks doc holloway. Nice synopsis!