Vaccine Tested on Humans, May Stop 90 Percent of Cancers

ImMucin, a vaccine, developed by drug company Vaxil Biotheraputics along with researchers at Tel Aviv University in Israel, can reportedly train cancer patients' own bodies to find and destroy tumor cells.

The vaccine has been tested on humans for the first time. According to The Daily Mail, "the results from that safety trial -- on patients with blood cancer -- found all had greater immunity to the disease after receiving the vaccine. Three of the seven patients who have completed the treatment are now free of the condition."

A statement from Vaxil Biotheraputics said: "ImMucin generated a robust and specific immune response in all patients which was observed after only 2-4 doses of the vaccine out of a maximum of 12 doses. In some of the patients, preliminary signs of clinical efficacy were observed."

The vaccine, which targets MUC1 (a molecule found in 90 per cent of all cancers), could provide a universal injection that allows patients' immune systems to fight off common cancers including breast and prostate cancer.

The scientists, behind the vaccine, believe it could be used to combat small tumors if they are detected early enough or to help prevent the return and spread of disease in patients who have undergone other forms of treatment such as surgery.

Cancer cells usually evade patient's immune systems because they are not recognized as being a threat, like bacteria is.

One very dangerous type of cancer cell is lymphoma. Read more about the symptoms of lymphoma.

Thank GOD for this medical breakthrough. Happy it's descovered in my lifetime.

There Can Be Only One.

Expect this to be snapped up by Big Pharma and locked away like the Ark of the Covenant, in some big warehouse where it will be lost forever.

Cancer is a big business, you know!

True. There will never be a cure for cancer. There is too much grant money, too many universities funding their professors by LOOKING for a cure (read treatment). Too much money to be made treating. A cure will devastate the university research and balance sheets of Big Pharma.

Hopefully this is one step closer to a viable -- and even more wishful thinking, AFFORDABLE, vaccine that will be mandatory for all US residents. There should be no choice for people to opt out of vaccines except for those with allergies to eggs.

While this may very well be tabloid trash it does cater to our most basic desires as humans. To live forever. Now think about that for a moment. If we could outsmart death then we surely have no need for Satan or a God or gods if you prefer. If this is indeed the magic bullet, what are the implications on our social being? Do we still need to pray, worship, or even acknowledge a higher power?

Recently in real science, the life of yeast has been expanded to 14 days. In human years that is about 1000 (one thousand). Researchers have also isolated the piece of our DNA that is responsible for aging. The question now is what will happen if we remove it? If we remove it what will be put in its place? Just some food for thought.

I do agree though, this is a small trial and there is a lot more research to be done.


Al D'Adda

god and satan and all that stuff would just live on in slightly morphed form like "luck" and "curses" do. humans will always need something beyond their control to be there as an excuse for things that don't go right.

This is a tiny tiny pilot study.. there is soooo much more work to do before this goes to full clinical trials.