Teacher Sends 5-Year-Old Student Home with Bag of Feces

A kindergarten student from Washington state brought home quite a surprise in his backpack. The boy's parents say their son returned home with a baggie of feces and a note from his teacher.

The Associated Press reports:

This teacher needs to to grow up.She is acting like a 5 year old.

Sounds like the teacher is burnt out and is trying to scam the pension system into giving her a fat retirement package for being psychologically unfit to teach.

Anyone who thinks like that is dangerous and should be FIRED!!

See the young kid might have trouble understanding the situation, BUT as an adult, the TEACHER is expected to understand, and use common sense.

Does this situation look as if common sense was used?

If the school is going to hire people that can't think straight, then closer supervision seems to be in order.

I mean I would be upset with a child also that was crapping on the floor, (If thats what actually happened.)
I just fail to see what possible outcome this teacher thought would come of her "solution" to the problem.

I can understand the frustration of the teacher, but I believe she overreacted in this case. Perhaps the note would have been enough without the feces. Is it appropriate to give the 5-year old feces to carry in his backpack even if she believes it was his own? What if the child or his little friends opens the backpack and examines the contents?
A discussion with the counselor or principal first before such an extreme act would have been helpful. Cooler heads would most likely have prevailed.