New York Fans Boo Tim Tebow During Yankees vs. Angels Showdown

You can’t blame Tim Tebow for the fact that Skip Bayless and the rest of ESPN decided to make him the most polarizing athlete in sports today. Well, scratch that. You can blame him for it, and New York Yankees fans did just that when they decided to boo him at Sunday night’s showdown between the hometown heroes and the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.

By now, most reasonable people can acknowledge that problems with Tebow stem entirely from the media coverage directed towards him by certain outlets, not because of anything he himself has actually done.

If the Florida product had accomplished what he had accomplished last year without his cheerleading squad in Bristol waving its pom-poms from start to finish, sparking all sorts of faux-outrage about how he wasn’t getting enough respect and then making broad societal points about a controversy that ESPN itself had created, then Tebow would probably still be one of the more liked athletes in sports. But when you tell people that someone is a good guy and that they should be rooting for him because he’s a good guy, naturally, they’ll go the other way.

Hence the love-hate relationship the world has with Tebow and all the baggage that comes with him.

So what should folks take away from the fact that people in New York were booing the newest Jets backup quarterback? Let’s ask our friend, Skip Bayless:

Since Skip Bayless never lies, that will be the last word on this matter.

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