Mike Tyson Sued For $25 Million For Alleged Pap Attack

Mike Tyson is reportedly being sued for $25 million by a photographer who claims the former heavyweight champ attacked him at an airport last November.

According to TMZ, photographer Antonio Echavarria has filed a suit, alleging Tyson attacked and punched him and broke his camera during the incident at LAX.

Echavarria also claims he suffered a concussion and strain to his spinal cord, reports TMZ.

Tyson was arrested after the incident an charged with misdemeanor battery, but the Los Angeles City Attorney officially dropped the case, due to “insufficient evidence.”

A $25 million lawsuit…a year after the incident. Cynical eyebrow raised…

But I'd be quite interested in seeing Mike Tyson give someone a "strained spinal cord." That'd be bitchin'.

The plural of 'anecdote' is not 'data'.