Judge Who Gave Jerry Sandusky Lenient Bail Had Financial Ties to His Charity

Want to know just how convoluted and entangled everything in Penn State’s child molestation scandal truly is? Look no further than the relationship between the judge who gave alleged child rapist Jerry Sandusky his very lenient bail, Sandusky’s charity, and people related to both.

As we reported on Opposing Views when the story broke, Judge Leslie Dutchtot was a noted and admitted volunteer for Sandusky’s Second Mile Charity – a group he ran to help young children. Despite this blatantly obvious connection to the accused perpetrator, Dutchtot didn’t bother to recuse herself from the proceedings. Instead, she handed down a very lenient bail to the alleged child molester.

Ignoring the prosecution’s request for $500,000 and a leg monitor, Dutchtot opted for a laughably light $100,000 unsecured bail. Needless to say, the decision was met with a lot of scrutiny.

Now, more details are emerging about the judge’s connection to Sandusky and his organization.

According to PennLive.com, Second Mile chairmen Robert Poole, at one point, held a campaign fundraiser for Dutchcot in his home. The fundraiser ultimately brought in upwards of $1,000. Not a massive total, clearly, but still enough to warrant questions regarding Dutchcot’s impartiality on the matter.

It’s also worth noting -- via Deadspin -- that Tom Corbett, who has been charged with investigating the scandal, also received $9,133.34.in campaign contributions from Poole. The same report said that, altogether, past and present members of Second Mile donated upwards $200,000 to his 2010 political campaign.

Translation: Too many of the people dealing with, or investigating Sandusky have ties to him for true, undoubted impartiality.

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