How Should the U.S. Respond to the Gaza Crisis?

On December 27, Israel began bombing the Gaza strip in response to continued rocket fire from Hamas militants, ending a six-month truce. Since that time, more than 1,000 Palestinians have been killed, including many civilians. Israel announced a temporary cease fire on Jan. 17 -- but so far U.S. response has been minimal. What should America’s role be in this ongoing crisis?

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Everything the former Jordananian occupants (i.e., so-called "palestinians") do begins with a lie, as is the initial question which started this thread is a lie.
There were NOT a thousand of them killed; that's a lie. And you haven't the the integrity to correct it, nor can you document that number. It has already been exposed as a lie, as was the French news report previously.
The question posed for this thread is a LIE. The murdering thugs now occupying Gaza are bigoted, radical, terrorist muslims who only seek to kill Jewish people. They prove it every day. Anyone with a brain can observe the facts for themselves including which hospitals treat which wounded. So, which hospital in Gaza treats wounded Jews?
I'll ask it again: which hospital in Gaza treats wounded Jews?
Anyone with a modicum of intelligence recognizes the deceit underlying the premise of this thread, which describes the majority of pro-terrorist Gazan contributors quite well.

I agree with that last statement, sometimes we may not know the whole situation. Even if we did however, we do not need to continue to interfere with other countries affairs, I say we should have listened to what George Washington warned us about after he left his 2nd term. To stay OUT of foreign affairs, it does nothing more than complicate everything, along with causing hatred, fear, neglect, and favoritism. Instead of asking whether or not we should interfere with their problems, we should be asking whether or not we are even able to help them! America's economy is in quite a situation at the moment, we should be spending all our time and devotion to fixing our own problems rather than other countries problems. Especially when it comes to a situation like this.

Both sides in this conflict are repugnant. Perhaps the best response would be to keep out.

M. Glass

The US shoulh just stay out of the conflict, you don't have the financial support to fight on three front.
Until some world body can monitor who fire the first shot we can neither believe any party to say the other fire first.
If Hama is bend on using force to make her point to the world then this recent round of rocket attack on Israel had proven nothing to the world but Hamas being branded as terrorist. As coward hiding behind human shield (ordinary Palestinian who wants nothing to do with this kind of atrocity)If Hamas claim they had been deprive of necessity then they should bring it to the security council and show prove there that Israel has been bulling the Palestinian people, if you have the money to buy rocket why not use the money to get the best lawyer to fight your case at the Hage to prove you point.

virtually every nation in the UN HAS tried to curtain Isreal, the US will not have it. the ambassador of the US to the UN unabashadly threatened that if a vote were brought to saction Isreal (I forget the date), the US would "tear down this building (the UN building in the US) down and throw it brick by brick into the Hudson". ever time the UN members try to sanction Isreal...VETO! by the US. side note...for years we were also taught how the soviets were blocking vetoing everything in the UN and causing by this so many global ills. Check out the veto history of the US against that of what was the USSR and see that the US had cast nearly 3 times those of the soviets. it is true then why were we told so readily to believe otherwise? the same machine of propaganda that can convince americans of a blatant verifiablle falsity concerning UN votes can most certainly convince the relatively uninterested masses of something much more subtle such as guilt in the Gaza.

The question is "how should the US respond to the Gaza Crisis."
Yes in the past the US had been using their Veto rights to push UN member aside so does USSR and China and those in the security counsel.
As my respond was, the US should stay out of this conflict because the more US stay and give support to Israel, she will continue to behave arrogantly and thus fueling the issue. US must also stay out of the conflict and not get herself committed to fight another front.
With US not showing any interest, Israel will not have any UN member willing to stand up for her cause to be in Gaza or doing what she is doing in Gaza but it does not mean US will not go to the aid of Israel if she is provoted to act.
What the world see in the beginning was Hamas sending rocket into Israel and ever Egypt the peace broker give up on Hamas when they continue to rocket Israel. What the world couldn't accept was Israel over use of fire power to destroy Hamas position which was set up intentionally among the civilian resulting in heavy casualty.
Unless Hamas learn to use the tools set up by the UN security and the US to fight her case, the world will always see Hamas as the terrorist and Israel the terrorist killer. so where will this conflict end.
Hamas can opt for peaceful coexistence or continual to see her people dieing like flies. If Hamas can scarifies thousands dieing under Israel bombing why not turn them dieing from a lack of food and water. Let the world see the result of Israel action on the people of Gaza, get the world media in and show them how the people in Gaza are dieing like flies because no food, medicine and water are getting to the people as a result of Israel blockage. I'm sure the world will take notice faster than Israel bombing the place.

I hope for something resembling your last paragraph. since it is illegal to stop groups such as the red cross from bring aid and counting the dead, I hope every American learns that they are being stopped. I hope americans can come feel for the cruelty of a native population being treated like prisoners at the whim of their holders. water, food, medicine, electricity, cash, movement all being controled by the isrealis. this is where Hamas became politically powerful. Hamas built schools..smuggled in food..gave cash to those who's homes were destroyed. now hamas has the ear of palestine, even when it's military side does battle without a vote of the populace.

The world except for the US is watching..they HAVE been listening..they HAVE responded unlike what we are told via the UN. they get vetoed and threatened by the US. we need a new "honest" broker, one clear headed and NOT the US. I will hope with you.

i say let them do whatever they want to do overseas.and the usa stay out of it and quit sticking our noses where it dont belong.and stop the freetrade lose all ties with the foreigners.but make it clear the first one comes over here will have a terrible death .thats where all our trouble comes from anyway they took all our dont sit down with terriorist and make deals.

As far as i know, i am free in the US, and if i want to start a company and outsource the labor to India, China, or Pakistan, then i am also free to do that. There is NO such thing as YOUR entitlement to a job. If you want a job start a company and hire yourself.

just like i said its foreigners running around like yourself in the good old u.s.a .its people exactly as yourself that im referring to.sending our jobs overseas its people like yourself that make me so sick to my stomach i could puke.(on you) your right your free to do that. thats why the u.s.a is in such a bad shape. to bad our government dont see that.

Someone's willing to work harder than you and for cheaper. Man up.


Why do you assume i'm a foreigner?
Even if i was a foreigner and i am here legally, what difference does that make to the economics and morality of this debate?

It's a shame you have such a weak stomach, maybe thats what leads you to utter the sentence "sending our jobs overseas". What makes them yours, did you create them? Did you start microsoft or GM or the numerous pharmaceutical companies?

In response to why the US is in such a bad shape, you should look at the government intervention in the economy, from the Anti-trust laws to the creation of the fed to the new deal to the past thousands and thousands of pages of regulation leading up to sarbanes oxley and beyond to the current bailouts. The entitlement culture here created by both liberals and "compassionate" conservatives has led to people forgetting the source of money, value, and especially rights.

In conclusion "your rights end where mine begin"
You have no right to a job without impeding on my right of running a company in my own rational self interest.

your right thats where our government has failed.its bad enough they let foreigners come over here to live.keep them up with government programs food stamps e.t.c pay them so well they can buy companys and send them back home (overseas).thats the good old u.s.a no wonder you love freetrading so much.if i was set up like foreigners are in the u.s.a i would be just like you as to defend such a good thing the u.s.a is doing for foreigners.but i do wonder if i was to move overseas would i be treated like a king because i was a the people over there would put my head on a chopping block.they dont want us over their in their business and thats a fact. i dont have anything against foreigners i fill just like them. that they dont have any right over here in our business and doing sorry if i impeding on your rights but if you are a foreigner over here you shouldnt have any rights.

The ongoing conflict in Israel (approximately 3000 years, since David made it the capital of his kingdom in 1000 BC) will be solved when people wake up and realize that they should not be fighting over it, that it is High Holy land in at least 3 religions (Christianity, Judaism an Islam) and that it should be a global capital open to all for visitation and worship to all people and all faiths. Let us get it together and acknowledge the ONE GOD we all worship by treating others as we would wish to be treated (with love, kindness and respect).

For every dollar given to Israel, a dollar is given to Palistine.

I can't find facts anywhere about why Hamas was shelling Israel in the first place. Why were they?? Are we to believe that a group of Hamas terrorists have nothing batter to do than fire shells at Israel unprovoked.

This is a tit-for-tat stand-off between Palestine and Israel that has gone on for decades with the US media strangling us with lack of facts and information.

The rumors I do hear are that Palestinians are cutoff with blockades and checkpoints that separate Gaza from the rest of Palestine. Etc. If this is about "Israel the US Ally", then we've got a long way to go before the US is even serious about peace in the middle east.

- A Frustrated Manipulated American

..Wha.? That is EXACTLY what Israel did. The reason Hamas fired rockets though was in retailiation for 2 of their guys Israel killed.

Nice post below, though.

the notion that isreal is legal in any way except in a world wide post existence reluctance is false. time and time again the UN has tried to undo the activities of isreal only to be vetoed by a sole voice..the U.S. Prior to the reconstitution of isreal those who eventually became it's leaders were listed by every nation as zionist TERRORISTS. they have kept land after an invasion..ILLEGAL everywhere! they have displaced millions...ILLEGAL everywhere. they do not count the dead accurately of those killed by their occupation...ILLEGAL! read about the rules of the UN, read about the rules of occupation that the red cross uses to describe war crimes...without the US isreal would fall and the land that has been stolen in this age and in biblical times by jewish force would be returned to those who once lived there. Isreal treats arabs like wards of the we did (do) to native americans. shut their water and power off at will. kill food and medical supply lines at will. they have an army and very accurate weapons so I guess that means when they bomb a Hammas leader and kill 50 civilians that makes it ok compared to whene they are sloppily attacked with whatever the palastinians can muster. we should level the field..whatever weapons we give to isreal we should give to those they suppress, then..maybe only genrerals and hammas leaders will die..since they are essentially the same. at least they were untill isreal started getting special considerations...maybe for helping in the nasty affairs of the US such as Iran contra where isreal was a willing middle man. My other half is Jewish so don't anyone tell me that I am against jewish people, I simply loathe greedy selfish people of any religion that are willing to destroy to satisfy their less than full spirits.

Just to answer one of your accusations. Jews bought land from the palestinians and the british while it was under the british mandate. If you believe in property rights then you are incorrect.

if you believe in propery rights then the british had no right to sell anything. And do you believe that every person who was living in what is now Isreal said "hey! a check! come on kids let us leave our olive groves that we and our parents and grand parents and their parents have tended and move to Norway!"? what about the land seized from other countries? why wasn't the US hopping mad about that when all but Chad was? I do realize that I have an advantage, ableit small one, as one of my closest friends speaks 13 languages and works for the UN as a weapons technology translator. While Isreal is not the most important topic in my life, the press the world gives to the current and past issues of this dot in the middle east is greatly different than is available in the US.

what ever persons best intentions are when they describe support for isreal it saddens me that they do not take their rigour of mind to apply the same rules that they demand of other nations, groups or persons when they evaluate what is tolerable from isreal.

let us all admit there is power coupled by guilt and clearly invisible goals at work in the creation and maintanence of isreal. They were essentially given or took all of the water sources of which they spare no mercy in denying to arabs when it suits them. they are allowed nukes when we are long in the US having declared that we need to end the spread of nukes. isreal is builing a wall that is even by their own admittion not on their land. they shut off power, food and medical suppies and thwart the assistance of emergency assistance as THEY see fit.

I wish their was a simple solution still available that each side could agree on, but that is too late. Many want isreal where it is inorder to satisfy biblical predictions. Those with ambitions of world control in the US want an ally in the mid east to arm. the first of these do not really care about the unrest the creation of isreal was bound to generate and the second of these do not mind at all if the desires of a group of persons of the jewish faith become exactly what they have suffered. the persecuted have become the persecutors.

Well by your logic, the land that you live on belongs to the native americans because they were there first. Also, I remember a war in 1948 that slightly put a damper on Jewish Arab relations. Who started that war again? Up to that point jews and palestinians in the region had fairly good relations? Who betrayed who?

Your revisionist view on history is based on non-essentials.

You're right about the olive grove. It's such a higher value than the laboratories researching stem cell medication. Thats what would still be there withough israel, an olive grove surrounded by sand, crumbling old houses and a few drinking wells.

All of the infrastructure that you claim is denied to the palestinians, would not have even existed without the israili's. From the irrigation techniques of turning desert into prosperious farms to nuclear power plants that light up the streets. Look at most of the surrounding arab countries that dont export oil. How prosperous are they?

On the issues of the nukes, i dont remember the jews having a jihad against the west. There is an issue of self defense here that you evade.
I really dont see iraeli's sneaking in a suitcase nuke into any western country for the purpose of martyrdom and Jihad.

In conclusion, i sympathize with the palestinians for thier suffering, yet i also understand that they have a choice in their government. If they wanted peace and prosperity then they can build a government that recognizes individual rights and freedom from a theocracy.Israel has a right to exist and if for no other reason than that it does recognize individual rights of its citizens.

P.s. I dont see egypt opening it's borders en masse to provide water, shelter and medicine.

I do stand without hypocracy..I cannot imagine how it would be if it were made so but the tribes in america should have at least tons more than they are allowed. the only problem is that there are very few indians that could claim land was taken from them directly. at the least today we should at least give back every thing, priveledge or right of treaties that were broken during the life of the oldest living indian..per tribe.

as to labs rather than neighbor is not using his double wide lot to it's fullest potential..I will be right back, I have to go and build my deck into his land.

I am back. by the documents by the US secratary of state and check back in the day who was deemed the terrorists..yup..Zionists. were they on the US list of terrorists? yup.

prosperity by the way is not proof of good or evil. if it were then saddam and his buddies were good as they were very prosperous. if one is going to use an example to illustrate a truth..the truth must exist in all applications. As for the concept of Jihad, this word existed in a very different context untill the US imported the most viscious mercenaries into Afganistan to throw off the russians. the military training of the US outright outlined the transformation of the word Jihad..up till then it was a personal war inside of a person. Isreal defending itself has been declared illegal by every nation but ours in the UN for most every decade of it's life. the LAW says a people cannot be occupied by an invading force. period. no ambiguity.

I had two clients who were bush the 1st appointees (france and australia) and they aknowledge this..albeit they don't care. we discussed this in detail..repeatedly just after 9-11.

so as for isreal being allowed nukes? why not both sides? preisraeli zionist terrorists (zionist militia) were exploding devices and doing assasinations on the regions arabs long before WWII. then several of them became presidents of isreal. if no one sold isreal weapons then they would be using whatever they had available too. since they always had. not ALL of them were doing this..just the zionist exstremeists.

the US is very good at creating situations that will serve it well later. one cannot create Yugoslavia by jamming groups that have seperated themselves for centuries and think it will work out..perhaps the caspian sea pipeline was not the intent for afganistan..just because the president we installed after this invasion was a representative of the oil company that is currently building the pipeline is just pure luck. we let isreal do whatever it wants..they are our nuke base in the middle east..ever play RISK?

lastly isreal has the duty, not egypt, to care for the palestinians. isreal controls ALL of the rivers..they took them in the war.

I despise hitler as best as a 40 yearold american can, but to allow duality of thought and other circular proccesses to work in my mind is not something I will allow casually when it comes to other peoples lives. even from the ineffectual position I hold in life regarding such matters. my awareness of how the world works..diabolical greedcentric propaganda...began when my brother..who was a navy seal, told us stories..edited for secrecy..of what he saw..and did.

every act of defence isreal takes is a zionist jihad..that it is their gods will to do so comes from thier own mouths. I only stand up so vigorously on this matter as it is the greatest lie being told. I regret every death on both sides. for the innocent who have lost their homes and for the damages souls who fill the ranks of the isreali army lusting to fulfill their role in religious prophesy.

Anti-Jewish opinions were common in the 1940s with Germany taking it to the extreme.
(My uncle helped liberate Dachau.)
Australia said it didn't have a Jewish problem and didn't want one either.
The worst place to create a Jewish state was on land that had been under Muslim control for 1000 years.

Israel has been behind many technological, medical and other advances on land that they were basically given out of guilt for what happened to them.

Between cutting off areas with walls, settling on lands that have been planned to give a Palestinians a place to call home and controlling everything such as electricity, they have gone from the oppressed to the oppressors.
Of course if one pushes someone into a corner they will find someway to fight back.
Both sides have broken the cease fire.
But with Israeli elections coming up, this seems like a plan to stay in power while a war is on.
They are re-building the Berlin wall in Jerusalem.

Years ago it was stones against guns, now primitive rockets that can't be aimed with any accuracy vs tanks and aircraft.
Sure one has a right to defend themselves but also equivalent force.
This time, the one with the slingshot may also topple the one with far greater might.

This was a freaking desert waste land until the Israeli's returned and made it into a blooming land of fruit and vegetables. They purchased their settlement lands back from the local people, and any addition resulted when the local people turned treacherously against them after the purchase and tried to drive them out or eliminate them. They shared their cities with the local peope, their infra structure, and the electricity that comes from them. Fortunate is a local person.. "Palestinian" who live in Israel instead of Gaza.

They provided employment opportunities for all people in the area as well as transit for everyone to get around. They provided fine shops for products to be enjoyed by all as well as hospitals and medical facilities in which all are taken care of. That's how a normal Democracy works.

Walls went up because of rocks and projectiles being thrown like silly teens or children. Barricades went up because of weapons being brought in for assault reasons against Israel. Terrorist suicide people with explosives strapped around them went into transit or populated places to hurt and kill as many as possible. Does this not bring out a military on alert with much surveillance and intervention?.. Duu!

Why throw rocks and silly stuff? why not work together to continue making a beautiful place where people have plenty and enriched lives?

There never was a Jewish problem, and Hitler was a mentally maladjusted control maniac who was in cahoots with some of the Middle East leaders as well as the Vatican. He goal was global domination, control, and supremacy of Arian peoples of which I am one.

Hitler fabricated a common enemy to bring the people together, and surprise, it worked best to use the Jew. If global domination had been achieved, non Arian peoples would find themselves in a similar fix to the Jew and no longer needed to be used. Darker skin people would have been lowest on the list for genetic correctness as compared with the master race. You no doubt appreciate the fact that skin color does not make the Arab or the American better or lesser.

Israeli elections aren't the problem, and it surprises me to no end that you see rockets constantly dropping in cities as normal and just everyday inaignifican like putting up with black flies or some minor biting insects. That thinking is just so buzzar.

Land was given for peace, and that was a mistake because it is like giving children candy for misbehaving. It makes them believe now that you get candy by misbehaving..consequently constant rockets on cities with hopes that it will turn out more land traded for peace. That trick is so done with!

Years ago was it guns because of stones or was it stones because of guns. To answer my question, many stones were being dodged and guns weren't deployed with hopes of not hurting someone for just being childish.

There shouldn't be given a reason to defend ones self and no force! There should be agreements and let's start building together and both experience the benefits of what we can get done.

You revealed the real problem, and everyone hides from it and dances around it without touching it.

Bottom Line: ..This is a conflict between Islam and Judaism. Even more serious is the matter that if Israel occupies the land and Jerusalem in particular, this makes Quran incorrect.

If Islam occupies the land and particularly Jerusalem, then the Torah is incorrect. I suspect that more Muslims understand and realize this than do the number of Israeli's

It would help much to bring understanding for all, if these truthful reasons were being presented instead of the pretentiousness that is taking place. It would also make the rest of the world realize the impossible nature of the problem.

I suspect that if the true reason were known, then it would be difficult to sway political opinion of other nations to gain favor for either side?

I am wishing you well just the same because It breaks my heart to see the beautiful Arab women and children as well as the handsome young men being hurt, caused pain or killed.

Me! :- l

I believe that we basically agree that history should be kept in mind in finding a settlement to what is going on.
Hundreds of years of history is between followers of the Koran and the Bible is ingrained in each group.
Separate areas that each group can control with disputed areas as separate neutral lands may be in order.

The borders drawn up at the end of WWII in the Middle East were not based on the people there or ts history such as Iraq pieced together several warring tribes such as Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds in the same country possible because they were all Arabs.
After all we know how well the people of Ireland got along despite using the same religious book.

At the Evian Conference in 1938, 32 countries would not accept Jewish refugees that were being displaced from Germany.
America only sent a businessman instead of a government representative.
Britain recommended that Palestine not be considered as a place for them to move to because they knew that there would be trouble by putting a Jewish state in the middle east because the Arabs already living there had protested the presence of Jews there in the past.
Evian's failure of don't let "them" move in next to us helped give Hitler an excuse to use as propaganda.

Both Hamas and the Israeli government are hard liners at opposite sides.
Backing those with deeply entranced positions into a corner such as with the Israeli blockage of even humanitarian help and they will tend to lash out.
But pushing the Israeli government results justifying the killing of hundreds of Gaza residents for every Israeli.
Both need to be willing to give up something to get what they want.
Looking the other way helps fuel the view by some that Israel and the United States are the same.

Don't cut off supplies and electricity to countries so they can function or send unguided missiles at each other either.
Make Jerusalem a separate country since it is holy to Jews, Muslims and Christians.
Sort of how Washington D.C. was carved from Maryland and Virginia but although a part of the U.S. does not have representation in the government of the United States.
Jerusalem could run its affairs as a city-state that is not tied to any country controlled by a specific religion.

Is The U.S. the police of the world or something? There is demand from Gaza for the U.S. to respond, and if they do, they will be condemned and told to mind their own business and stay out of the middle East.

If they don't, they will be condemned as standing by and allowing a holocaust.
What part here are we missing?

Is it so difficult to not launch more rockets into Israel, Who would have likely helped to continue building up the area of Gaza if there had been true peace instead of treachery?

These wild people will never have anything, because the build up then take actions that cause everything to be torn down, over and over again.

Could they be descendents from Ishmael who was foretold would be a wild man and a wild people?

Both Israel and Palestine have blood on their hands, and supporting either side would be morally reprehensible. Israel have systematically weakened Palestinian infrastructure to the point in which a civilized lifestyle in Gaza is just not a realistic option. However, at the same time I do not condone terrorist attacks against Israel.

This war was brought on by religious fundamentalism on both sides, and there really is no viable option for peace short of removal of Israel as a state.

Israel could annex the Gaza strip and execute anyone who protests?

Not that I support this suggestion or yours. There are way more options than getting rid of Isreal [the creation of which I disagree with anyway].

Hamas rockets killed 17 Israeli citizens in the 7 years before Israel broke the latest truce by crossing the border during the truce and killing 6 Palestinians. During that time Israel has killed hundreds (thousands?) of Palestinians. What Israel is doing now is deliberate, and had been in the planning stages since June. There are billions of dollars worth of natural gas off the coast of Gaza. It is Palestinian gas, and the Palestinian Authority had signed contracts for the development of the fields with BP and other oil companies. In June, when Israel began planning this operation to force all Palestinians to leave Gaza, they also began negotiations with the same oil companies, for the same gas. It is only theirs if they force the Palestinians out. That is why there will be no truce, and why aid workers bringing in food and medicine are being "accidentally" killed. Israel has buckets of blood on its hands, but does not care. Apparently our government does not care either. Let's hope it changes Jan. 20.

If rockets were coming across the Mexican border into San Diego, and killing civilians, Mexico would cease to exist. The United States would bring the full force of her power to bear and annihilate that country. Same as if Canada started shooting rockets into.. Michigan? Slightly off topic, but do they even have urban centers up there? Anyway, rocket attacks from across the border, any border, would not be tolerated by the United States, or any country. Israel has every right to defend itself.

The US IS Isreal. They are one and the same.

It's like asking: how should we respond to our own attack? hahaha.
With more firepower? hahaha.

We must support Israel

(Comments posted to the main article get 5,000 characters, while replies seem to get 1,000 characters, with no indication thereof.)

BL, do you believe people are of little or no value, except when part of a group? If so, please live accordingly, and be sure to send me some money because as a group member I need it, badly. I do not think you _owe_ me it, but by your standards I should receive it. In contrast, I think people have no obligation to relinquish what they have created to those who have created nothing of value for me. Humans can be amazing beings, when they are rational and pursue carefully calculated interests: such as great ideas they would like to see become commonplace in the World of Humanity.

Second, if you were to read more carefully, I absolutely reject religio-racism as the justification for any kind of legislation upon citizens, let alone war against the citizens of another nation. Your comment is an egregious failure to interpret my comments, and projects a sense that if it is Capitalist it must be bad. Perhaps Capitalism is the Good, but you have not yet figured that out.

BlueLinchpin seems quite able to ignore Palestinians’ random murder of Jews. He does this, while pretending that the destruction of Palestinian homes (usually occupied by terrorists) is some kind of evil. To the extent that the Palestinian homes were occupied by those who voted for Hamas, or were leaders of Hamas, such destruction is fully and entirely legitimate. The latter people wish to impose their relgio-racist beliefs on others (the Israelis), or kill those who refuse. Their view is simply not moral, it is an evil and destructive sentiment. The destruction caused by that sentiment is evident all over our World. Israeli attempts to fight back is a self-defense, and the blood that results is on the hands of the Palestinian/Hamas/Hezbollah terrorists

BL wrote:
“Regardless of who the land belonged to historically, at the time it was taken it belonged to innocent people. These people were forced out of their homes for something they had not done. It's no wonder they're so racist against the Israelis.”

I would agree with this, save for the fact that the lands given to the Israelis were the so-called “spoils of war”. That is not an arbitrary decision. Once a victor has total control over land distribution, their decisions are based upon the thinking of the time. With six million Jews having been gassed &/or burned in the Nazi ovens, the Allies chose to give the surviving Jews a piece of land they had acquired from men who contributed to that Jewish genocide, and who no longer had ANY claim to it. In fact, as soon as Israel was created they were invaded by, and then bluntly attacked (see here: )

As I said, in an above comment, the Palestinians chose the side of evil. They have no rightful claim on the lands Israel obtained as a result. Furthermore, and again as I said, Palestinians would be better off under the kind of society the Israelis created, than under the kind of society Hamas and Palestinians themselves envision.

It is horrible what Isreal is doing in killing so many Palestians for the Gas Reserve found in 2001. The Reserve is on Parlestian land, but like usual what Isreal wants Isreal(America) gets.

In June when Israel began planning this operation, they began negotiations with British Petroleum for the drilling rights to the gas fields off the coast of Gaza. A couple years ago, the Palestinian authority signed a contract with BP for development of the same gas fields. If Gaza is Palestinian, so is the gas. The only reason for Israel to begin the negotiations is if they knew they would re-take Gaza. That is what we are seeing, and that is why there will be no truce. The Israeli plans call for making conditions in Gaza so harsh that all the Palestinians will flee or die. Israel will then move in and occupy it permanently and claim the natural gas fields off the coast.
During the "truce." Israel kept Gaza blockaded, preventing most imports and all exports, to completely destroy the economy. Then they broke the truce, on Nov. 4, the day of our election. They then tightened the blockade in hopes of provoking a response to use as justification for the operation they had been planning for months. It is ethnic cleansing.