Homeschooling is king/queen

I began homeschooling at 15mos. old. My now 11yo daughter is doing Algebra2 work plus high school biology and is an avid reader who started her own book club. She is the most social person in her group of peers from swim team. My 7yo son is in pre-algebra and also an avid reader. His writing skills and spelling are off the charts. He wants to start a book club as well. He dances as well as swims. They are so far ahead of where I was at that age it is ridiculous. Their thirst for knowledge is unhearof. Anyone who is not acheiving this is not trying. Most homeschooled children outperform schooled children by far. My kids are outperforming schooled kids in math, history, politics, reading, spelling, writing, biology, name it and they out perform. Homeschooling is simply superior to public or private school when done right. I'll bet against anyone who disagrees. Yes there are those who fail at it. But the percentages are far less than the public school faliures. In my opinion, if you are thinking about homeschooling, do it. You are less likely to screw it up than the public school system.