Can the Obama Presidency End Racism in America?

At the start of the American Civil War, there were still more than 4 million African-Americans living in slavery. Now, approximately 150 years later, an African-American will become president of that same nation. There is much discussion about how such a presidency will affect America, but will an Obama victory usher in a new generation of tolerance?

sorry guys but nobody's going to stop me from telling those mean black jokes

Barry Hussein has never ran a business, even a 7-11.
Barack Obama's Radical Left connections and his relation to the Cloward Piven strategy are inexorably linked Obama is related to too many radical individuals and organizations.
Barack Obama at the epicenter of an incestuous stew of American radical leftism. Not only are his connections significant, they practically define who he is. Taken together, they constitute a who's who of the American radical left, and guiding all is the Cloward-Piven strategy. Obama’s associates are all radicals, firmly bedded in the anti-American, communist, socialist, radical leftist mesh. Obama is associated with black separatist liberation ideologues, domestic terrorists, Palestinian radicals, and both Moist and Marxist communist radicals. Although Obama now tries to distance himself from them, they were all his mentors, allies, friends, contributors, associates and supporters. They befriended him… and he befriended and socialized with them back.
The public knows next to nothing about them, and this is quite alarming considering that the Media is not doing the necessary work to expose them. To examine these relationships is not smearing, it speaks to his true intentions and ideological perspectives. Barack Obama, the Cloward-Piven candidate, no matter how he describes himself, has been a radical activist for most of his political career. That activism has been in support of organizations and initiatives that at their heart seek to tear the pillars of this nation asunder in order to replace them with their demented socialist vision. Their influence has spread so far and so wide that despite their blatant culpability in the current financial crisis, Capital Hill politicians now claim to be able to fix the problem with HOPE AND CHANGE.
So can he end racism , sure, as long as your a Socialist.

Look people, the "Anointed One" makes his chess move's and us babbling humans need to realize that the unbelieving conspiracy "heathen" understate the issues when they say that Obama is a radical. Alas, they know not the secrets we are all going to witness. The "Anointed One" is amazing, he takes the people at the highly efficient Post Office and sends them right over to the Student Loan Program. The "Anointed One" knows all. Twitter messages were machine-gunned to cell phones at mach speed. Facebook and MySpace groups spread across the Internet like digital fire. YouTube videos featuring celebrities ricocheted across the globe and into college students ' in-boxes with devastating regularity. All the while, the Obama mega- money -raising engine whirred on at high speed, until the result became inevitable: an unthinking mass of young voters marched forward to elect the "Anointed One."
I am not surprised to hear these stinking lies about our "Anointed One," it should be apparent to anyone that this was coming down the pike. I do have a couple questions about future process steps concerning these developments? When the "Annointed One" decides to start bar-coding everyone, will we get to decide if the mark is on our hand or forehead? Allot of people will prefer the hand, (especially women of course), unless your a porn actress or something along those lines. Also, my girlfriend was wondering if the Administration will be getting fashion advice from Hollyweird or the New York City crowd? We are both agree that the Administration "Maoies" as the "Anointed One " so lovingly calls them,will be getting uniforms similar to the SS uniforms in Germany in WW2. With big letters abreviating "Barack's Socialists." So shall we start calling them the BS?

Look people, the "Anointed One" makes his chess move's and us babbling humans need to realize that the unbelieving conspiracy "heathen" understate the issues when they say that Obama is a radical. Alas, they know not the secrets we are all going to witness. The "Anointed One" is amazing, he takes the people at the highly efficient Post Office and sends them right over to the Student Loan Program. The "Anointed One" knows all. Twitter messages were machine-gunned to cell phones at mach speed. Facebook and MySpace groups spread across the Internet like digital fire. YouTube videos featuring celebrities ricocheted across the globe and into college students ' in-boxes with devastating regularity. All the while, the Obama mega- money -raising engine whirred on at high speed, until the result became inevitable: an unthinking mass of young voters marched forward to elect the "Anointed One."
I am not surprised to hear these stinking lies about our "Anointed One," it should be apparent to anyone that this was coming down the pike. I do have a couple questions about future process steps concerning these developments? When the "Annointed One" decides to start bar-coding everyone, will we get to decide if the mark is on our hand or forehead? Allot of people will prefer the hand, (especially women of course), unless your a porn actress or something along those lines. Also, my girlfriend was wondering if the Administration will be getting fashion advice from Hollyweird or the New York City crowd? We are both agree that the Administration "Maoies" as the "Anointed One " so lovingly calls them,will be getting uniforms similar to the SS uniforms in Germany in WW2. With big letters abreviating "Barack's Socialists." So shall we start calling them the BS?

We can end racism in America. It's just a matter of time.

It seems as if the issue has grown since the election .

Obama belongs to a party that thinks it's right to reward jobs and other things based on race (see affirmative action ). As long as the government gives special consideration to anyone based on race there will be racism , sadly.
As long as we have racist organizations like CAIR, NAACP and LaRaza being taken seriously and engaged by the government nothing will change .
When Obama meets with the leaders of the NAACP in private in his office it makes non-colored people question how much influence they have on him. That also goes back to the blatant lack of the promised transparency .

Oh, Thank God! It turns out that The Great 0 is really a CIA Plant!
As Rush Limbaugh said recently, his failures are a great boon to American Conservativism!
More about Obama's true parentage at

Only if the Presidency in America will free all the animals suffering
horribly in the United States, because loving animals is a kindness of
heart, and will eventually seep out among peoples. Love and freedom,
and common sense, compassion, empathy, reasoning, and wisdom wins; but
this entails limiting the human population on this planet, because
it's only humans that destroy.

Nope no one man can end such an idiotic thing it is the stupidity of man and until EVERYBODY learns that then it will never be abolished. I personaly think everyone is a little racist. There is nothing I would not do for any man, woman or child but when angered you will be surprised at the words coming from my mouth (stupidity,ignorats) and don't tell me you ain't at least thought it at least I am honest. That's the first step to ending rasism!!!!

He will not only "not" end it, he will flame the flames of hatred that already exist. This president wasn't elected "in spite of being black"; he was elected "because he was black". People wanted to prove to the world and their selves that we are not racist, so they elected an unqualified person to the highest office in the world. This can only be a recipe for disaster. This man is and has been treated with " kids gloves" since he took office. Everyone is so "scared" of offending him because it could be construed as racism because he is black. Until we, and the media , judge him on his job performance and job performance alone, we are all hypocrites.

Racism will always exist. I mean it's the taboo which is great, because it's looked down upon in society and not encouraged. But the fact is there will always be racism just because someones different. Rough but true. Only think we can do is teach our children correctly to prevent violence and tragedy .

Would electing a Klansman end racism ?
Of course not!
The same applies to a Black racist as well.

I'm only reacting to a person who voiced that Obama was apologizing for America.

Good. We should be apologizing. we blatantly disregarded the U.N., we were under the rule of a dictator, not a president.

Obama has my support in all of his attempts.. he should have yours too America, after all you supported Bush as he rampaged through the middle east claiming 'mission accomplished'. A president who felt the constitution was just a GD piece of paper.

But back to the real subject.. can Obama cure racism . nope. That's all on us.

Obama and racism how can obama end racisim when he sat in that church for 20 years.And when he is full of racism

I believe there is a simple solution to racism , that we've never tried. Why don't we just stop teaching it? Do you think when children in 2nd, 3rd grade are learning about separate water fountains, and slaves, that they are learning equality ? I purpose an idea. What if they never knew? What if you never knew? Although its natural for us to notice differences in one another, without knowing the horrible pain behind those differences, they would be just that, differences.

And while we're at it, let's drop teaching about World War I and II because of all the "horrible pain behind" them.

Ignorance does not solve anything Renelle. The "simple solution" is treating everyone as individuals, which some people choose not to do.

When I was in high school, our neighbor across the street was black. He got up every morning and went to work. He took good care of his home and yard. He was always friendly and polite, and never too busy to stop for pleasant conversations with his neighbors.

Funny thing is, I can't recall anyone in the neighborhood ever discussing the color of his skin. He was just a man, and a pretty good one at that.

I saw the monkey cartoon in the NY Post. It never crossed my mind it was anything other than a barb directed at the intelligence of those putting together stimulous packages.

Now, I don't how things are in every part of the country, but I don't think one has to look to far to find a car blasting out obscene and racist music in any city of any size. In most cases, the person operating the music is a person of color. As near as I can tell, those blasting out the racist music, where every other word is offensive, seem to be the same ones raising hell over the Post cartoon.

Now, THAT, I find offensive. If a person wants to be treated nice, they should try acting nice. I am sick and disgusted with bad actors screaming "prejudice" whenever they are called on their bad acts. This kind of conduct ensures racism will ever be with us as long as they insist on associating their race with atrocious conduct.

There will always be those who judge others by the way they look: the color of their eyes or hair, the shape of their face, height, weight, mannerisms, you name it. A wise person grows a thick enough skin to ignore such things and moves on. If one observes appropriate courtesies when dealing with others, these minor preconceptions connected with appearance fade away. Pretty soon, the person is thinking, hey, he's not a bad guy for someone that tall, short, or whatever. From there, it's an even shorter step to thinking, hey, he's not a bad guy.

The bottom line is if minorities stop spending their every waking moment drawing attention to the differences, society in general will eventually come to the conclusion there weren't that many differences after all. If you act like a jerk, people will treat you like the jerk you are. The worst part is when the jerks associate their conduct with those who do not deserve to be treated like jerks.

Although Obama's presidency is considered a step forward and a form of inspiration for african americans across the U.S. there is no way that it will stop racism. If anything his presidency will cause the KKK and other racist groups to become more angry and more agressive. There is no telling when or if racism will ever stop.

From Canada
Did the question here just ask 'Have you stopped beating your wife?"
First there is no such thing as racism. This was a recent phrase invented to redefine how people look at people that are different from their race or better identity. It corrupts motivations and character behind opinions of one 'race' to another. like Homophobia was invented to define opposition to homosexuality.anti-Semitism also.

Racism always is code or better for 'whites' being 'racist against blacks or others.
Its nothing more then a accusation against a particular people now and in the past of how they thought and acted about another people.
On behalf of 'white' people I plead NOT GUILTY to all charges.

The vast majority of "white' people now and in past America never were unjust in actions or motives toward the Africans. Its a false charge to say today that there is any resistance from anyone to blacks getting anything other people have.
Its a accusation against a group that can't defend itself.
Black failure today is their own patent.

In the past there was not resistance from yankee people towards blacks or hostility at all. Very tiny minorities only would have malice or interfere with a black person in getting this or that.
They are not here to defend themselves.
Southerners may of resisted and had a bigger Minority that was hostile but still nothing too talk about. likewise Urban ethnics were a little more hostile but still not enough to define them by it.
Its all a great humbug. A false and trialless accusation and judgement against the American people.
Southerners saw blacks for what they now admit. they were African foreigners. unwelcome immigrants but still lived with in decency. yet the southerner saw his stuff as his stuff.

Indeed the Obama presidency confirms southern opinion. He was deserving to be president because Africans deserve and not other people. He chooses his cabinent based on identity not despite it. The whole Democratic party is committed to identity by ethnicity/sex as the new way of American life. Wherever they can blacks segregate themselves to their gain. In business, education, entertainment. Obama is CONFIRMING the prinicipals of the old southerners. Just different winners and losers.
Africans (not Americans of different colour) deserve(not Americans) and were stopped before (actually 'whites " (are stopped as a general agenda by many names).
This is RACISM. It isn't. Its just one people sincerely believing they are a different people and deserve as a people within the boundary of a nation. The old Southern belief is simple human nature. its not evil. Its not racist. It is however illegal by the contract demanded for American citizenship.

There has never been racism in America. its a dumb interpretation of human motivation. any opinions. actions, or hatred are based on sincere foundations. Hatred is just a evil next step. yet it doesn't define the presumptions. Even if the presumptions are wrong.

The racism thing has been a tool for groups to assert their common claims as citizens of America. yet they themselves hold the same opinions but are just the losers. if winners there is no pretence to colour blindness in who deserves and gets what.
this is why the Obama administration is already morally illegitamate and perhaps legally. Impeachment could already be an option.
A line of reasoning.
Americans are not racist. Ethnic citizens of America are however segregationist to some degree as groups.

Racism will never end because in part, it is human nature to stereotype, categorize and come to conclusions (whether right or wrong) - it is the way we organize and process the world. It will never end because by nature we organize in groups by similarity. Again, human nature. However, due to mass communications, travel and an expanding world where more people of different types interact, learn and accept one another, racism is diminishing, especially here in the US.

Politics aside, Obama's election is a step forward for blacks, but I don't think the racial divide was AS LARGE as the media had portrayed it. In fact, more liberals questioned whether Obama could become president than conservatives. Every conservative I knew was certain he could, and thought he probably would. The only ones who were surprised were the liberals. The media was helping them perpetuate the racial divide as far as I'm concerned.

I think the only reasons Obama is in are the economic situation and he said what people wanted to hear.

It took two wars abroad, a housing crisis, stock market plunge, huge unemployment, a weak Republican party because of Bush Jr. and Palin(man she's an idiot and the Repubs would be too if they let her be the "future of the Republican party"), and a credit crisis for him to be elected, and still the popular vote was close. I think we have made strides but we are far away and never reach that promised land.

Racism will never go aay because of several reasons:

1. It's already around and as long as we know of it's existence then there will always be those who are racist.

2. Many people are brought up in a racist environment.

3. Stereotypes. Enough said.

4. New racism comes up everywhere. A people in Country A are living peacefully then an isolated event done by another group happens and kills people. The government can persecute that race and spread propoganda. The United States does it with Muslims through the Media(the movie "300"). No person or group of people can ever stop racism. It will be here as long as there are races.

actually during the time of "300" islam wasnt discovered. just saying

I agree with your premise about government raising hatred against one group or the other to gain control but that is a pretty bad example of anti- muslim media . The Battle of Thermopylae(in 300) took place in 400 BC, not many Muslims around then, as Mohammed (the founder of Islam) was not born in Mecca until about 570 AD, and did not start preaching until he was about 43 years old.

IF a person was brought up in a racially biased family as a child they will most likely be a racist individual when they are older and just because the president of our country is black doesnt mean that people will change the way theyve been for their entire lives

If he ends up being a one-termer similar to what happened to Jimmy Carter, than you can except the fight for racial fairness to be set back a few steps.

Sorry folks, no one single person can stop racism. They have signed a hate crime law, they have buried the "N" word and still there is a racial divide in this country as in other countries around the world. No one can regulate by law or words a persons feelings toward another person.