2nd NH Dem Has Sarah Palin Death Wish

Democrats in New Hampshire really don't like Sarah Palin, apparently. A second one is under fire for writing anti-Palin comments. This time, though, it cost him his job.

First, Democratic candidate for state representative Keith Halloran wrote on Facebook that he wished Palin was on the plane that killed former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens.

State Rep. Timothy Horrigan followed up that offensive post with one of his own on the social media site:

"Just for the record, I don't wish Sarah Palin dead..but not merely for compassionate reasons. I also want her to live because a living Sarah Palin is less dangerous than a dead one."

Unlike Halloran, who refuses to apologize or drop out of the race, Horrigan resigned, writing to the House Speaker:

"I wish to resign from the House of Representatives effective immediately, and to discontinue my re-election campaign. I apologize for thoughtless remarks I made which have brought this House into disrepute."

Horrigan then went on Facebook to continue his apology tour:

"I would like to offer a specific apology for making comments about Sarah Palin which could be -- and were -- misconstrued. She is, as far as I know, not a bad person at all -- and certainly she deserves to live a long and happy life."

she just annoys people to the breaking point.

The remark was thoughtless and he probably should have dropped out of the race since he can't think on his feet. But his remarks should be viewed in context and not in a literal sense.

socialists have a long history of killing their ideological opponents. Godless, Hive-dwelling liberal statists have no problem at all with murder. From Marx and Darwin to Hitler and Stalin and Mao, to liberal pricks in New Hampshire, the only thing that stops the morally bereft socialist from murdering those they disagree with is the threat of arrest, incarceration or , worst of all, being expelled from the socialist hive.

Without a love of God and country, it is inevitable that bloodshed will occur whenever any person dares to stand in the way of their socialist revolution. You watch. It'll happen.

A malady which affects all of us at some point. But they're running for political office - they have to realize that the media will catch every word. Clearly they lack the judgment required.